FoHS Learning and Teaching Grants
2017 learning and teaching grant activity in the Faculty of Human Sciences

New offerings for FoHS
New offerings in 2017 in the Faculty of Human Sciences

Even more good news!
Celebrating wins in the Faculty of Human Sciences

2017 FoHS Awards
2017 Faculty of Human Sciences award winners

Learning and Teaching Innovation in FoHS
Learning and teaching innovations from the Faculty of Human Sciences

Bring the world to them
Dr. Lay Peng, unit convenor of MKTG306, thought "what can I do to make the unit more practical?" The answer came to her from the quote, “bring the world to them and take them to the world.”

Looking To Engage Your Students (and everyone else) With Your Research?
Some ideas to package research differently and boost the impact of your research ideas in your teaching practice and beyond.

Live Streaming Conditions In 2018
In Session 1, 2018, over 115 units across Macquarie will have live streaming enabled.

First in Family: True Stories
A few short tributes to those who have made very diverse 'first in family' journeys to, and through, Macquarie.