All posts by Olga Kozar

I'm a 'long-term' Mq girl. I did my PhD here and taught on different courses, ranging from 1st year to PhD students. I now work in Learning and Teaching, which I love. I have 2 young kids and a dog, and I love meeting other Mq people, so give me a shout if you'd like to talk 'learning and teaching' or would like to brainstorm together.

From stories to theories: Using AI to make learning more relatable 

Read how this MQ Educator uses AI story prompts to set the scene for the theory. By crafting relatable narratives, AI helps students understand and appreciate concepts more deeply.

/ 16 July, 2024

5 ways this MQ educator is crafting neuro-inclusive classrooms

With a bit of creativity, empathy, and willingness to adapt, you can create a learning environment where every student feels supported and ready to learn regardless of how their unique brain is wired.

/ 25 June, 2024

Why did this MQ Educator get students to use two AI tools in one tutorial? 

This MQ educator challenged his marketing students to use two AI tools in a single tutorial. Why? Let’s discover the reason!

/ 18 June, 2024

Is there a silent epidemic of grade inflation in HE?

Catch up on what you missed in MQ’s podcast club’s discussion on the silent epidemic of grade inflation. We explored its historical roots, its potential impact on teaching evaluations, and its wider implications on the job market and academic choices.

/ 29 April, 2024

Artificial Intelligence, Real Results. Generative AI’s Session 2, 2023 Report Card

Is ChatGPT useful for teaching? One academic from MQBS tried it out in Semester 2, and here are her findings...

/ 24 November, 2023
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What to do with quizzes now that ChatGPT quickly aces them? Here’s one idea…  

If you have automatically graded quizzes in iLearn, then read on.

/ 22 October, 2023

Teachers beware: The Feedback Sandwich might be off the menu!

Before you craft your next Feedback Sandwich, consider reassessing its ingredients! While the Sandwich method is popular, its effectiveness is under debate.

/ 3 October, 2023
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11 ways ChatGPT can save you time

Have you been using ChatGPT to elevate your teaching? If not, here's what you're missing out on.

/ 5 September, 2023
human brain as a plant