Month: February 2024

Academic mentoring
Mentoring relationships are invaluable for professional development. The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC offers a wealth of resources to support mentors and mentees.

Including Indigenous perspectives across the curriculum
Practical advice and guidance to ensure you have the skills and resources to support meaningful inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in your unit.

Equipping staff with AI automation skills to streamline marking and feedback
A project in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics brings the benefits of AI automated assessment and feedback to the teaching staff who need it most – sessional staff! (But you might like to try it too)

Spotlight on practice: speed dating, electric guitars and goosebumps in accounting – Nandini Krishna Kumar
Nandini Kumar set out to bust the myth that accounting is a boring subject. Here’s how she connects with her students to make learning fun.

Teaching and Leadership Community of Practice unpacks the hot topics
Demonstrating that collaboration, collegiality – and community – works for supporting teaching – and teachers.

Open your classroom to share your practice – and passion – for teaching
Sign up for 'Open for Observation' this session.

Small changes – big impacts: learnings from neurodivergence action research
Neurodivergent students face many learning challenges at university - however small changes to how your unit is taught can make a big difference.

Peer review of teaching…anyone?
The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC explores the role of formative peer review in continuous professional development and learning.

If you love to talk about learning & teaching – join the club!
The Learning & Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is where you can engage with other MQ colleagues to exchange ideas and experiences.