Category: Macquarie Business School

From the Macquarie Business School.

Showcasing award-winning teaching: LayPeng Tan

LayPeng Tan elevates her students' learning with a competency-based approach that focuses on developing practical, real-world skills essential for a career in the marketing industry.

/ 26 July, 2024

Showcasing award-winning teaching: Hector Viveros Tapia

Hector Viveros Tapia embodies the principle of practicing what you preach. As a human resources management educator, he doesn't just teach the importance of caring for 'human capital'—he exemplifies it through his student-centered teaching approach.

/ 26 July, 2024

Why did this MQ Educator get students to use two AI tools in one tutorial? 

This MQ educator challenged his marketing students to use two AI tools in a single tutorial. Why? Let’s discover the reason!

/ 18 June, 2024

Exploring culture, commerce and creativity on a study tour in Tokyo

The 'Macquarie Advantage' was on full display when MQBS staff took a group of their students to Japan for a transformative real-world learning experience.

/ 30 May, 2024

What entrepreneurship can tell us about teaching in higher education

Entrepreneurship education encourages students to pursue setting up novel business ventures as a viable career option.

/ 19 April, 2024

Experiments in teaching: shaking up teamwork, assessment and feedback

Nandini Kumar (Accounting and Corporate Governance) has a passion for teaching which drives her to constantly experiment with techniques to engage students and ensure they have the skills to succeed.

/ 14 March, 2024

Equipping staff with AI automation skills to streamline marking and feedback

A project in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics brings the benefits of AI automated assessment and feedback to the teaching staff who need it most – sessional staff! (But you might like to try it too)

/ 26 February, 2024

Spotlight on practice: speed dating, electric guitars and goosebumps in accounting – Nandini Krishna Kumar

Nandini Kumar set out to bust the myth that accounting is a boring subject. Here’s how she connects with her students to make learning fun.

/ 23 February, 2024

From confusion to confidence – mapping the journey for first-year students.

Lisa Rohanek (MQBS) outlines how she nurtures the students in her first-year units and then teaches them to be self-reliant. Is it mothering or just good teaching practice? Read on – and then judge for yourself.

/ 31 October, 2023