
Gaigest – November 2017

A monthly Arts digest from Faculty of Arts Learning Designer Gai Ramesh

/ 22 November, 2017
Dr Alex Woods. Photo by Mike Catabay for Learning Innovation Hub

A Day in the Life:
Dr Alex Woods, Lecturer in Egyptology, Department of Ancient History

I start the day with a good breakfast and strong coffee – I know I am at my best and most productive in the mornings while my mind is clear and fresh.

/ 21 November, 2017
Professor Deborah Richards. Photo by Mike Catabay for Learning Innovation Hub

Professors Profess: Deborah Richards

We’re in this together”. There will be mutual respect and understanding with an attitude that we (students and teachers) are “doing life” together.

/ 21 November, 2017
University of Potsdam - Chris Froissard

eLearning in Germany Through The Eyes Of A Macquarie University Learning Designer

I recently went on a staff exchange to Germany at Potsdam and Hamburg Universities via the Macquarie International 2017 Staff Exchange program.

/ 20 November, 2017
iLearn Dropin

iLearn Open House – Featuring EDCN814

This week we feature Dr. Rod Lane and his unit EDCN814 – Assessment Issues. Its purpose - to refine student knowledge and skills in educational assessment.

/ 20 November, 2017
Woman chats in Campus Common

Welcome to the New Teche

Welcome to the new Teche, Macquarie's Learning and Teaching Community.

/ 15 November, 2017
jellybeans arranged as two curved arrows forming a circle

Turn Feedback into Feedforward or a Degustation Menu

Lessons learned from a recent workshop on feedback, based on a large-scale Australian project titled ‘Feedback for Learning: Closing the Assessment Loop’.

/ 15 November, 2017
MMCCS students developing a script during the Pathways program.

Educational Media Production Internship – Call for Expressions of Interest

Are you a staff member keen to work with media students? Are you a student interested in producing educational media?

/ 15 November, 2017
Sherman Young. Photo by Mike Catabay

A Day in the Life:
Professor Sherman Young, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning & Teaching

"One of the great things about my role is that every day is different" says Professor Sherman Young.

/ 15 November, 2017