Classes now open for observation!
A diverse group of dedicated and experienced teaching staff from across the University, together with the Professional Learning and Staff Development Team, are collaborating to provide you with the opportunity to observe teaching – live and in-person, as part of our ‘Open for Observation’ program in Session 1.
Attend a real class and observe a Macquarie teacher in action:
- Observe their teaching approach and techniques;
- Learn about the tools and technologies they use;
- Connect with colleagues within and beyond your discipline;
- Gain a student perspective to inform your own teaching;
- Talk about teaching – and learning – with other educators from across Macquarie.
We are very excited to be working with teaching staff across the faculties to make this possible.
I think it is such a useful learning tool to watch what other people do. Each time I look into someone else’s unit I pick up something. That’s where a lot of my scaffolding comes from – learning from other people and seeing what they do.
Dr Kelly Gray, Physiotherapy
How does the ‘Open for Observation’ program work?
Below are details of classes that are open for observation. The range of class types includes tutorials, seminars, lectures, workshops and even an anatomy laboratory session! There’s a mix of on-campus, online and some blended teaching sessions. There are open classes for all times of the day and evening so you are bound to find something that you can attend. You’ll be in the class with the students, but just as an observer, without having to participate or interact with others.
If you are interested, check out the many opportunities for observation below, and if a particular class catches your eye, book in to observe that session. You will then be sent any relevant information for that class, including the Zoom link if it’s online.
As an observer, you can use this guided Reflection Sheet to record your observations with prompts that will focus on capturing practices and techniques that you may wish to explore for your own teaching development.
It’s a great opportunity to get another perspective on teaching and to reflect afterwards on your own teaching practice.

- Why do we teach the way we do?
- What can I learn from the experience of others?
- How can I improve my teaching?
Who can observe?
Anyone with at least ONE session of teaching under their belt will find this experience valuable. We’d also encourage Learning Designers to participate as observers.
Supporting and learning from each other
Not only do you have the opportunity to observe how others teach and get some ideas to inform your own teaching practice but you can also support your colleagues by providing feedback to them. We must emphasise though that this is an optional part of the process – it is not in any way meant to be a teaching evaluation. Rather, it’s in response to some of the participating teachers who have indicated that they would appreciate some feedback on specific aspects of the class. As an observer, please follow your teaching colleague’s lead, and only provide feedback when and where requested.
“Unless we co-teach, we find ourselves in a bubble and while we might think we do things one way or another, we don’t really know that unless we get some feedback from our students and peers. Peers, however, will have a different perspective of what we do and it is good to have a conversation about why we teach the way we do with someone in a similar role.”
2021 Open for Observation participant
Choose which class you’d like to observe and register

Thank you to the teachers listed below for opening up their classroom to provide these opportunities for you to observe.
Which one will you choose?
Get in quick as spaces in each timeslot are limited!
Click below on any class that interests you to see information about the class, the teacher, observation times available, and to register to attend.
Remember to check out the units on Open iLearn too! Note that you will need to have completed the Academic Integrity Module before you will be able to access other units – this shouldn’t take you long though – you just need to ensure you do the Quiz at the end for the system to recognise ‘completion’ of the AI module.
A/Prof Kevin Brooks | FMHHS | PSYU2247 Perception | 2 hr lecture On campus
About the teacher:
Kevin Brooks is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. Kevin was recently awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in the 2021 Australian awards for University Teaching (AAUT). View Kevin’s profile.
About the class:
PSYU2247 Perception: This is a 2-hour interactive lecture on campus covering human visual perceptions.
Refer to the PSYU2247 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available
The PSYU2247 lecture runs for 2 hours and because it’s held in one of the large lecture theatres there can be up to 50 observers.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 29 March | 1-3 pm | 27WW Lotus Theatre | Register 29 March |
Tuesday 5 April | 1-3 pm | 27WW Lotus Theatre | Register 5 April |
Tuesday 26 April | 1-3 pm | 27WW Lotus Theatre | Register 26 April |
Tuesday 3 May | 1-3 pm | 27WW Lotus Theatre | Register 3 May |
Tuesday 17 May | 1-3 pm | 27WW Lotus Theatre | Register 17 May |
The observation experience
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the PSYU2247 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
- There is no need to contact Kevin prior to the class as he will be advised about anyone who registers.
During the class:
- Just sit quietly in the lecture theatre as a passive observer.
- Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
After the class:
- If you have any questions, comments or feedback after attending the lecture, please email Kevin directly (
Dr Andrew Burke | FoA | LAWS8013 Civil & Criminal Procedure | 1 or 2 hr tutorial On campus or Online
About the teacher:
Dr Andrew Burke is a Lecturer, Director Juris Doctor and Acting Director of Education in the Macquarie Law School, Faculty of Arts. View Andrew’s profile.
See also this TECHE article Spotlight on practice: Just have a go! Navigating expectations and ‘ticking off’ student participation in online learning – Andrew Burke.
About the class:
LAWS8013 Civil and Criminal Procedure: An opportunity to observe either a 1-hour tutorial on campus or a 2-hour online tutorial.
These tutorials in March all involve client interview exercises. Client interview is a key professional skill in criminal procedure, and this is part of the Law School’s shift towards embedding professional skills and authentic assessment. Three client interviews will be done in each hour, with students working in pairs to interview the client (played by Andrew). Each interview is followed by a broader class discussion on issues arising. This interview is predominant factor in determining each student’s class participation mark (10% of unit grade).
Refer to LAWS8013 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
ON CAMPUS: The LAWS8013 on campus tutorials run for 1 hour and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
ONLINE: The LAWS8013 online tutorials run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 4 observers for each class. The Zoom link will be provided once you register.
Class date | Class time | Location (On campus or online) | Link to register |
Wednesday 16 March | 3-4 pm | 01CC 104 (Central Courtyard) | Register 16 March On campus |
Wednesday 16 March | 7-9pm | Online via Zoom | Register 16 March Online |
Wednesday 23 March | 3-4 pm | 01CC 104 (Central Courtyard) | Register 23 March On campus |
Wednesday 23 March | 7-9pm | Online via Zoom | Register 23 March Online |
Wednesday 30 March | 3-4 pm | 01CC 104 (Central Courtyard) | Register 30 March On campus |
Wednesday 30 March | 7-9pm | Online via Zoom | Register 30 March Online |
Wednesday 6 April | 7-9pm | Online via Zoom | Register 6 April Online |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the LAWS8013 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Andrew has indicated that this client interview exercise is a trial, and they will look to build upon it for future offerings, so any feedback would be welcome.
After the class:
- If you would like to arrange an informal chat with Andrew after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience, please email Andrew directly
A/Prof Phil Chappell | FMHHS | APPL8200 Linguistics and Language Teaching | 1.5hr seminar On campus
About the teacher:
Associate Professor Phil Chappell is the Deputy Head (secondment) in the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Phil’s profile.
See also this TECHE article: Spotlight on practice – the essentials of online learning: flexibility, genuine care…and a cat – Phil Chappell
About the class:
APPL8200 Linguistics and Language Teaching: An opportunity to observe a 1.5-hour seminar on campus. In these seminars, we work through a pedagogical model of language that supports the teaching of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Seminars involve mini lectures and linguistic analyses, followed by small group work where students collaborate on their own analyses. The challenge with this unit is to present a range of linguistics concepts in such a way that they can be both understood and applied by students (i.e. student teachers) in language teaching and learning situations.
Refer to APPL8200 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available
ON CAMPUS: APPL8200 on campus seminar run for 1.5 hour sand there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 26 April | 9-10.30 am | 1CC Room 111 (Central Courtyard) | Register 26 April |
Tuesday 17 May | 9-10.30 am | 1CC Room 111 (Central Courtyard) | Register 17 May |
The observation experience
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Access the unit (via Open iLearn) and look through the content for that week. Note any content areas that you think would be of interest to you vis-a-vis how it is presented to students.
- Read the APPL8200 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Phil would be interested in receiving any feedback on how well you think he balances a didactic (presentation) approach with encouraging active learning in small groups.
- During Phil’s class he has indicated that you are free to interact and join in the class and group activities.
After the class:
- Phil would be keen to meet with you after the class to chat about your impressions as an observer and to reflect and chat about how the class went.. Please contact Phil directly
Dr Janet Dutton | FoA | EDTE4240 English in the Secondary School II | 1-3 hr workshop On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Janet Dutton is a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer in the Macquarie School of Education, Faculty of Arts. View Janet’s profile.
See also these TECHE articles:
- Spotlight on practice: How I teach now – Janet Dutton
- Spotlight on practice: lesson planning for online classes
About the class:
EDTE4240 English in the Secondary School II
An opportunity to observe from 1-3 hours of a 3-hour workshop on campus. This in person on campus class will involve a range of activities including, individual, pair and small group learning. Use may be made of concrete resources and embodied learning activities. The workshop is student focused and interactive. If you are not able to stay for the full 3-hours, Janet has advised that you can attend for a shorter duration as there are regular breaks/activity transitions so it would not be at all disruptive.
Refer to the EDTE4240 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
The EDTE4240 on campus workshops run for 3- hours and there will be a maximum of 5 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Monday 21 March | 4-7pm | 14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Ave – 100 Theatrette | Register 21 March |
Monday 28 March | 4-7pm | 14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Ave – 100 Theatrette | Register 28 March |
Monday 4 April | 4-7pm | 14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Ave – 100 Theatrette | Register 4 April |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the EDTE4240 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
- There is no other preparation required before observing the class.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Janet has indicated that she is always keen to get feedback on the pacing of the lesson and if student engagement has been maintained.
After the class:
- If you would like to have an informal chat with Janet as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience or provide feedback, then you could catch up with Janet during the break in the class, after class or via email to
Dr Kelly Gray |FMHHS | PHTY8206 Health & Wellbeing across the Lifespan B | 2hr practical On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Kelly Gray is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. Kelly, as part of a team from Health Sciences, FMHHS, was recently awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in the 2021 Australian awards for University Teaching (AAUT). View Kelly’s profile.
See also this TECHE article: Spotlight on practice: Filling condoms with frozen peas…and other ideas for learning – Kelly Gray.
About the class:
PHTY8206 Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan B: The class is offered face to face only. There are approximately 20 students in this practical class. There will be a mix of small and large group work, and iLearn activities which are then utilised in the face-to-face session – eg. choice tool, blogs etc.
Refer to PHTY8206 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All PHTY8206 practical classes will run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 15 March | 1-3 pm | 75 Talavera Rd, Ground Floor, Physiotherapy, G605. | Register 15 March |
Tuesday 22 March | 1-3 pm | 75 Talavera Rd, Ground Floor, Physiotherapy, G605. | Register 22 March |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Kelly via email prior to attending the class (
- Optional! There is pre-tutorial work which the observers would benefit from reviewing prior to the class. Kelly can arrange access to the iLearn site before the class.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the PHTY8206 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Kelly will introduce you as a visitor.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Kelly is interested in receiving feedback from you afterwards about learner engagement, as her goal in these classes is to increase discussion and she finds these classes are some of the tougher ones to engage with students.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Kelly after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience.
Dr Lyndal Henden | FMHHS | MEDI3200 Translational Biology and Genomics | 2hr Workshop On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Lyndal Henden is a Research Fellow in the Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Lyndal’s profile.
About the class:
MEDI3200 Translational Biology and Genomics: In this 2-hour bioinformatics workshop students will be using genetic and genomic databases and software to design a CRISPR-Cas9 experiment for biomedical research. This unit is part of the Bachelor of Clinical Science.
Refer to MEDI3200 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All MEDI3200 bioinformatics workshops run for 2 hours and there are a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Wednesday 4 May | 10am – 12 noon | 1WW 112 | Register 4 May 10-12 |
Wednesday 4 May | 2-4pm | 1WW 114 | Register 4 May 2-4 |
Tuesday 10 May | 10am – 12 noon | 1WW 112 | Register 10 May 10-12 |
Tuesday 10 May | 2-4pm | 1WW 114 | Register 10 May 2-4 |
Wednesday 11 May | 10am – 12 noon | 1WW 112 | Register 11 May 10-12 |
Wednesday 11 May | 2-4pm | 1WW 114 | Register 11 May 2-4 |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Lyndal ( to briefly introduce yourself and let her know what you hope to gain from observing this class.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the MEDI3200Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- You will be asked to introduce yourself as an observer.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Lyndal is interested in receiving some general feedback from you afterwards about the class.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Lyndal after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback, and to reflect on your experience.
A/Prof David Inglis | FoSE | MTRN4066 Advanced Mechatronics | 2hr tutorial On campus
About the teacher:
David Inglis is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering. View David’s profile.
About the class:
MTRN4066 Advanced Mechatronics: An opportunity to observe a 2-hour tutorial on campus. The class is what remains after trying to get rid of lectures. It’s two hours of face-to-face time with students to work on whatever needs attention that week. Sometimes there is a lecture, sometimes we do example problems, sometimes we write software, sometimes we do tutorial and homework problems.
Weeks 3-8 are probably the most interesting. We’ll be covering modelling of electromechanical systems using really basic code, and then neural nets for image processing.
Refer to MTRN4066 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
The MRTN4066 tutorials run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 22 March | 9 -11 am | 01CC-214 (Central Courtyard) | Register 22 March |
Tuesday 29 March | 9 -11 am | 01CC-214 (Central Courtyard) | Register 29 March |
Tuesday 5 April | 9 -11 am | 01CC-214 (Central Courtyard) | Register 5 April |
Tuesday 26 April | 9 -11 am | 01CC-214 (Central Courtyard) | Register 26 April |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the MTRN4066 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with David after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience. David is keen to talk to other open-minded teachers about how we teach and respond to changes in technology and student expectations. (
Professor Ian Johnson | FMHHS | MEDI2300 Neuroscience | 20 min anatomy lab On campus or online
About the teacher:
Ian Johnson is a Professor of Anatomy in the Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Ian’s profile.
About the class:
MEDI2300 Neuroscience: A unique opportunity to observe a 20-minute (approx.) anatomy laboratory small group tutorial on campus or online.
This is a series of repeat classes using human cadaver specimens in which Ian weaves between various modes (constructivism, situated cognition, active learning, assessment for learning, Socrartic etc). Each lab session has a duration on 1.5 hours comprised of 4 stations of around 20 minutes. Ian will be teaching one of the stations 4 times within that timeslot.
Note that you will need to complete a brief lab induction beforehand if you are observing the lab on campus. Even if you are joining an online lab you will still be required to contact Ian as he is required to explain the sensitivities associated with cadaver images and the need for discretion and no recording.
Refer to MEDI2300 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
There will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class. If you select one of the online labs, Ian will provide you with the Zoom link.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Thursday 7 April | Drop in anytime between 9.30 – 11 am | 2 Technology Place Room G39 (Map ref M27) | Register 7 April |
Monday 2 May | Zoom in anytime between 7.30 – 9pm | Via Zoom (Ian will provide link) | Register 2 May |
Thursday 5 May | Drop in anytime between 9.30 – 11 am | 2 Technology Place Room G39 | Register 5 May |
Monday 9 May | Drop in anytime between 9.30 am- 1pm | 2 Technology Place Room G39 | Register 9 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please register for the class as the first step using the relevant link above, and then contact Ian directly after that via email to . Arrange with Ian what time you are going to observe.
- If you will be observing the class on campus, you will be required to complete a brief anatomy labs induction (NSW Anatomy Act 1977) – Ian will organise this. You will need to meet in the labs a few days before the class. If you have a white lab coat, please bring it. You will be provided with a mask and gloves.
- If you are observing an online lab, you also need to contact Ian prior to attending the class.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet.
- Read the MEDI2300 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- You will be introduced as a visitor. Ian has indicated that you may interact with the students if you wish. You must be respectful of human material. No photos or videos are allowed.
- Ian is interested in receiving feedback from you afterwards about the class.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
After the class:
- If you would like to arrange an informal chat with Ian after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience, please email Ian directly
Dr Marina Junqueira Santiago | FMHHS | MEDI1400 Foundations of Learning, Communication & Teamwork | 1hr tutorial On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Marina Junqueira Santiago is a Senior Lecturer in the Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Marina’s profile.
About the class:
MEDI1400 Foundations of Learning, Communication and Teamwork: The class is offered face to face only and is based on the Flipped Classroom model with structure and activities to increase students’ engagement. This unit is part of the Bachelor of Clinical Science.
Refer to MEDI1400 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
The MEDI1400 tutorials will run for 1 hour and there will be a maximum of 1 observation opportunity for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Thursday 31 March | 2 – 3 pm | 1WW 212 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 31 March |
Thursday 28 April | 2 – 3 pm | 1WW 212 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 28 April |
Thursday 5 May | 2 – 3 pm | 1WW 212 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 5 May |
Thursday 12 May | 2 – 3 pm | 1WW 212 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 12 May |
Thursday 19 May | 2 – 3 pm | 1WW 212 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 19 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Marina via email prior to attending the class
- It is recommended that observers check the iLearn space under the week they are observing. Because it is a flipped classroom model, it would make it a more complete experience
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the MEDI1400 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Marina is interested in receiving some general feedback from you about the class, so consider that too as you observe.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Marina after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience.
Dr Prashan Karunaratne | MQBS | BUSA3015 Business Forecasting | 2hr lecture On campus & online (blended)
About the teacher:
Dr Prashan Karunaratne is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, Macquarie Business School. Prashan was a recently recognised for his teaching excellence with a Student Nominated Award in the 2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Awards. View Prashan’s profile.
About the class:
BUSA3015 Business Forecasting: This 2-hour lecture is taught in blended mode. It’s an interactive lecture – with breakout activities embedded for a hybrid audience (F2F and on Zoom).
Refer to BUSA3015 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All BUSA3015 lectures will run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Friday 25 March | 10am-12 noon | Price Theatre or via Zoom | Register 25 March |
Friday 1 April | 10am-12 noon | Price Theatre or via Zoom | Register 1 April |
Friday 8 April | 10am-12 noon | Price Theatre or via Zoom | Register 8 April |
Friday 29 April | 10am-12 noon | Price Theatre or via Zoom | Register 29 April |
Friday 6 May | 10am-12 noon | Price Theatre or via Zoom | Register 6 May |
Friday 13 May | 10am-12 noon | Price Theatre or via Zoom | Register 13 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please register to observe by following the relevant link above and then contact Prashan via email prior to attending the class (
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the BUSA3015Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Be prepared to introduce yourself as a visitor.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Prashan is interested in receiving constructive critique (and of course positive feedback!) so that he will continue to stretch, learn, and grow.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Prashan after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience. (
Dr Prashan Karunaratne | MQBS | MQBS3010 Agility and Excellence in Business | 2hr seminar On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Prashan Karunaratne is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, Macquarie Business School. Prashan was a recently recognised for his teaching excellence with a Student Nominated Award in the 2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Awards. View Prashan’s profile.
About the class:
MQBS3010 Agility and Excellence in Business: This is a 2-hour interactive seminar with active learning and is taught face to face. This unit is the capstone for the Bachelor of Commerce.
Refer to MQBS3010 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All MQBS3010 seminars will run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Thursday 24 March | 1-3pm | 01CC 203 (Central Courtyard) | Register 24 March |
Thursday 31 March | 1-3pm | 01CC 203 (Central Courtyard) | Register 31 March |
Thursday 7 April | 1-3pm | 01CC 203 (Central Courtyard) | Register 7 April |
Thursday 28 April | 1-3pm | 01CC 203 (Central Courtyard) | Register 28 April |
Thursday 5 May | 1-3pm | 01CC 203 (Central Courtyard) | Register 5 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please register to observe by following the relevant link above and then contact Prashan via email prior to attending the class (
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the MQBS3010 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Be prepared to introduce yourself as a visitor.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Prashan is interested in receiving constructive critique (and of course positive feedback!) so that he will continue to stretch, learn, and grow.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Prashan after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience. (
Dr Albert Lee | FMHHS | MEDI3200 Translational Biology and Genomics | 2hr tutorial On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Albert Lee is a Senior Lecturer in the Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Albert’s profile.
About the class:
MEDI3200 Translational Biology and Genomics: In this 2-hour tutorial students will be involved in some group work. The content is half flipped. This unit is part of the Bachelor of Clinical Science.
Refer to MEDI3200 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All MEDI3200 tutorials run for 2 hours and there are a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 22 March | 12-2 | 1WW 112 | Register 22 March |
Wednesday 23 March | 2-4 | 1WW 114 | Register 23 March |
Tuesday 29 March | 12-2 | 1WW 112 | Register 29 March |
Wednesday 30 March | 2-4 | 1WW 114 | Register 30 March |
Tuesday 5 April | 12-2 | 1WW 112 | Register 5 April |
Wednesday 6 April | 2-4 | 1WW 114 | Register 6 April |
Tuesday 26 April | 12-2 | 1WW 112 | Register 26 April |
Wednesday 27 April | 2-4 | 1WW 114 | Register 27 April |
Tuesday 17 May | 12-2 | 1WW 112 | Register 17 May |
Wednesday 18 May | 2-4 | 1WW 114 | Register 18 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the MEDI3200Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
- There is no need to contact Albert prior to the class as he will be advised about anyone who registers.
During the class:
- You will be asked to introduce yourself as an observer.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Albert is interested in receiving some general feedback from you afterwards about the class.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Albert after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback, and to reflect on your experience. Email Albert directly
A/Prof Shane Magee | MQBS | AFCP8101 Financial System, Participants & Instruments | 1.5hr Workshop | Online
About the teacher
Shane Magee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie Business School. View Shane’s profile.
About the class
AFCP8101 Financial System, Participants and Instruments
This unit assesses the structure, instruments and participants in the Financial System. Whatever your background, and experience, this unit will help you to see the financial system from a different perspective and reveal its inner workings through shared learning and real-world challenges. Each week consists of a package of pre-recorded video resources, lecture notes and the 1.5-hour webinar. Students work through these resources before the webinar. Students will work in breakout groups on assigned activities.
Refer to AFCP8101 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
The AFCP8101 classes will run for 1.5 hours and there will be a maximum of 5 observation opportunities for each class. The Zoom link for the class will be sent to you once you register as an observer.
Class date | Class time | Link to register |
Wednesday 6 April | 7 – 8.30 pm | Register 6 April |
Wednesday 13 April | 7 – 8.30 pm | Register 13 April |
Wednesday 20 April | 7 – 8.30 pm | Register 20 April |
Wednesday 5 May | 7 – 8.30 pm | Register 5 May |
Wednesday 18 May | 7 – 8.30 pm | Register 18 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Shane via email prior to attending the class (
- Access the unit via Open iLearn.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the AFCP8101 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Shane will be trialling a mixture of technologies for online teaching and would like feedback on student engagement during the webinar, so consider that too as you observe.
- Please remain on mute during the class. Students may be allocated to breakout rooms, however observers should not participate in these.
After the class
- Arrange an informal chat with Shane after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience.
Dr Emily McCann | FMHHS | MEDI3200 Translational Biology and Genomics | 2 hr workshop On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Emily McCann is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Emily’s profile.
About the class:
MEDI3200 Translational Biology and Genomics: In this 2-hour bioinformatics workshop students will be using genetic and genomic databases and software to design a CRISPR–Cas9 experiment for biomedical research. This unit is part of the Bachelor of Clinical Science.
Refer to MEDI3200 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All MEDI3200 bioinformatics workshops run for 2 hours and there will be only be 1 observer for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 3 May | 10am -12 noon | 1WW 112 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 3 May 10-12 |
Tuesday 3 May | 12 – 2pm | 1WW 114 (Wally’s Walk) | Register 3 May 12-2 |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Emily to briefly introduce yourself and let her know what you hope to gain from observing this class. (
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet.
- Read the MEDI3200Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- You will be asked to introduce yourself as an observer.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Emily is interested in receiving some general feedback from you afterwards about the class.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Emily after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback, and to reflect on your experience.(
Dr Jasna Novak Milic | FoA | CROA1010 Croation Studies 1 | 2hr tutorial On campus & Online (Blended)
About the teacher:
Dr Jasna Novak Milic is a Lecturer and Director in Croation Studies in the Department of Media, Communication, Creative Arts, Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts. View Jasna’s profile.
About the class:
CROA1010 Croatian Studies 1. An opportunity to observe a 2-hour tutorial that will be run in blended mode, that is, in-person with some students joining online. As an observer you could join the class on campus or online via Zoom.
CROA1010 is designed for those who have little or no previous knowledge of Croatian. The unit includes material on general cultural aspects of life in Croatia and provides a thorough grounding in the basic structures of the language, working towards Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level A1. The class is delivered in a blended synchronous mode with a zoom-in-class for external students and with unit content presented as interactive H5P slides.
Refer to CROA1010 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
There will be only 1 observation opportunity for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Monday 28 March | 6 – 8 pm | 25WW C230 or via Zoom | Register 28 March |
Thursday 31 March | 4 – 6 pm | 25WW GA05 or via Zoom | Register 31 March |
Monday April 4 | 6 – 8 pm | 25WW C230 or via Zoom | Register 4 April |
Thursday 7 April | 4 – 6 pm | 25WW GA05 or via Zoom | Register 7 April |
Thursday 28 April | 4 – 6 pm | 25WW GA05 or via Zoom | Register 28 April |
Monday 2 May | 6 – 8 pm | 25WW C230 or via Zoom | Register 2 May |
Thursday 5 May | 4 – 6 pm | 25WW GA05 or via Zoom | Register 5 May |
Monday 9 May | 6 – 8 pm | 25WW C230 or via Zoom | Register 9 May |
Thursday 12 May | 4 – 6 pm | 25WW GA05 or via Zoom | Register 12 May |
Monday 16 May | 6 – 8 pm | 25WW C230 or via Zoom | Register 16 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Jasna via email prior to attending the class to introduce yourself and to briefly outline your reason/s for wanting to observe her class.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet.
- It is recommended for observers to access CROA1010 2022 iLearn space before joining the class.
- Read the CROA1010 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- CROA1010 is a small class so you can expect to be asked to briefly introduce yourself. You can participate in class if you want to but are not expected to.
- Jasna is interested to learn how observers experience blended synchronous teaching/learning and the interactive content that is available to students via iLearn.
After the class:
- Jasna would like observers to stay for 5 minutes after the class for an informal chat as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience. If you are not able to do that, Jasna would appreciate receiving any feedback via email. (
A/Prof Verity Pacey | FMHHS | PHTY8204 Health & Wellbeing across the Lifespan A | 2hr tutorial On campus
About the teacher:
Verity Pacey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. Verity, as part of a team from Health Sciences, FMHHS, was recently awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in the 2021 Australian awards for University Teaching (AAUT). View Verity’s profile.
About the class:
PHTY8204 Health and Wellbeing across the Lifespan A: The class is offered face to face only. It involves small group work and larger discussion. The focus of the classes is paediatric physiotherapy.
Refer to PHTY8204 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available
All PHTY8204 tutorials will run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 22 March | 10am – 12 noon | 75 Talavera Rd, Ground Floor, Physiotherapy, G605 Consult room. | Register 22 March |
Tuesday 3 May | 10am – 12 noon | 75 Talavera Rd, Ground Floor, Physiotherapy, G605 Consult room. | Register 3 May |
Thursday 5 May | 10am – 12 noon | 75 Talavera Rd, Ground Floor, Physiotherapy, G605 Consult room. | Register 5 May 10am |
Thursday 5 May | 1 – 3 pm | 75 Talavera Rd, Ground Floor, Physiotherapy, G605 Consult room. | Register 5 May 1pm |
The observation experience
Before the class:
- Please contact Verity via email prior to attending the class (
- Access the unit iLearn site (via Open iLearn) and view the pre-tutorial content. Verity can provide tutorial notes too.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the PHTY8204 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Please introduce yourself to the class.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Verity is interested in receiving feedback from you afterwards about strategies to make the class more engaging and engaging students who are quiet.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Verity after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience.
Dr Sarah Powell | FoA | EDST4130 The Arts in Education | 1-3hr workshop On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Sarah Powell is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Faculty of Arts. View Sarah’s profile.
See also this TECHE article Spotlight on practice: What’s lost – and found – when teaching online – Sarah Powell
About the class:
EDST4130 The Arts in Education: An opportunity to observe a practical workshop on campus. Although the workshop runs for 3 hours, observers are welcome to stay for just the first hour – or longer- up to full 3 hours. In this workshop the students are actively involved in music and dance activities suitable for use in the Primary School. There are 20-30 students in each class.
Refer to EDST4130 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available
The EDST4130 practical workshop runs for 3 hours on campus and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Thursday 17 March | 10 am – 1 pm | 29WW Room 292 | Register 17 March |
Tuesday 22 March | 9 am – 12 noon | 29WW Room 292 | Register 22 March |
Thursday 24 March | 10 am – 1 pm | 29WW Room 292 | Register 24 March |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the EDST4130 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
- There’s no need to contact Sarah before the class, unless you have a desire to read any textbook chapters. Once you register to attend, Sarah will be notified.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- It would be great if observers were willing to join in with the class as if they were a student and see how that feels – it can be quite full on!
- Sarah would be interested to know what an observer felt about student engagement. Any feedback on that would be welcome.
After the class:
- If you would like to arrange an informal chat with Sarah after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience, please email Sarah directly
A/Prof Michael Proctor | FMHHS | SPHL3308 Speech Production | 2hr seminar On campus & Online (Blended)
About the teacher:
Mike Proctor is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Mike’s profile.
About the class:
SPHL3308 Speech Production: An opportunity to observe a 2-hour seminar that will be run in blended mode, that is, in-person with some students joining online. As an observer you could join the class on campus or access the Echo360 live stream.
Delivery is flipped: readings, lectures and core learning materials are posted at the beginning of each week. workshops are held mid-week, and Friday seminars are offered in a Q&A format with quizzes and other exercises to consolidate the material learnt each week.
Refer to SPHL3308 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
All SPHL3308 seminars run for 2 hours and there will be a maximum of 2 observers for each class.
The Echo360 Live Stream link for the class will be provided when you register.
Class dates | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Friday 25 March | 12 – 2 pm | 14SCO – T2 Theatre (or stream via Echo360) | Register 25 March |
Friday 1 April | 12 – 2 pm | 14SCO – T2 Theatre (or stream via Echo360) | Register 1 April |
Friday 8 April | 12 – 2 pm | 14SCO – T2 Theatre (or stream via Echo360) | Register 8 April |
Friday 29 April | 12 – 2 pm | 14SCO – T2 Theatre (or stream via Echo360) | Register 29 April |
Friday 6 May | 12 – 2 pm | 14SCO – T2 Theatre (or stream via Echo360) | Register 6 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Mike via email prior to attending the class
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the SPHL3308 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Mike is interested in receiving feedback from you afterwards about the effectiveness of the delivery and content.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Mike after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience.
Dr Jennifer Ruskin | MQBS | PROF3000 Professional Practice Placement | 1-3hr seminar On campus & Online (Blended)
About the teacher:
Dr Jennifer Ruskin is a Senior Lecturer and Academic Director Co-op and Internships in the Macquarie Business School. View Jennifer’s profile
About the class:
PROF3000 Professional Practice Placement (A PACE unit)An opportunity to observe from 1-3 hours of a 3-hour seminar that will be run in blended mode, that is, in-person with some students joining online. As an observer you can choose to join the class via Zoom, or attend on campus.
The students are completing full time placements throughout S1. Seminars are held monthly in the evening and include interactive activities to help them reflect on their placement experiences and translate them into resources to support employability. It’s a small group of 3rd year Co-op students.
Refer to PROF3000 unit guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
Observe from just 1-2 hours of this 3-hour PROF3000 tutorial or stay for the whole 3 hours if you like. There will be 1 observation opportunity for each class. Jennifer can share the seminar plan with you in advance so you can see which part you would most like to observe.
The Zoom link for the class will be provided when you register.
Class date | Class time | Location | Link to register |
Tuesday 22 March | 6-9pm | 5 Management Drive, Room 245 or via Zoom | Register 22 March |
Tuesday 26 April | 6-9pm | 5 Management Drive, Room 245 or via Zoom | Register 26 April |
Tuesday 24 May | 6-9pm | 5 Management Drive, Room 245 or via Zoom | Register 24 May |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Please contact Jennifer prior to attending the class via email Jennifer can then share the seminar plan with you.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the PROF3000Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Jennifer is interested in receiving feedback from you afterwards about ensuring students in both modes (f2f and online) are engaged.
After the class:
- Arrange an informal chat with Jennifer after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class, provide any feedback and to reflect on your experience.
Dr Chavalin Svetanant | FoA | JPNS1210/2010 Japanese Studies | 2 hr tutorial On campus
About the teacher:
Dr Chavalin Svetanant is a Senior Lecturer, in the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts. View Chavalin’s profile.
About the class:
JPNS1210 / JPNS2010 (co-taught units) Japanese Studies 3: An opportunity to observe a 2-hour tutorial on campus.
The 2-hour tutorial is one of the two classes offered to intermediate learners of Japanese language. It is an implementation of a flipped-classroom model together with Team-Based Learning (TBL) practice. The students are expected to study independently before they attend the class through a variety of self-paced online learning resources such as mini-lecture recordings, course notes, short quizzes, kanji practice sheets, etc. In the classroom, the students are encouraged to participate in a pre-allocated group to complete various collaborative activities focusing on clarifying linguistic key concepts and contextualising grammatical knowledge through application. The ultimate aim of the class is to foster more autonomous and independent learners, while promoting discovery and deep learning through an innovative model that is different from the traditional language classroom.
Refer to JPNS1210 Unit Guide for further information about the unit.
Observation opportunities available:
ON CAMPUS: The JPNS1210 / 2010 on campus tutorials run for 2 hours
Class date | Class time | Location | Max. no. of observers | Link to register |
Monday 28 March | 3-5pm | 1CC Room 112 Central Courtyard | 1 | Register 28 March |
Tuesday 29 March | 11am – 1pm | 25WW C229 Language Learning Room (Wally’s Walk) | 2 | Register 29 March |
Monday 4 April | 3-5pm | 1CC Room 112 Central Courtyard | 1 | Register 4 April |
Tuesday 5 April | 11am – 1pm | 25WW C229 Language Learning Room (Wally’s Walk) | 2 | Register 5 April |
The observation experience:
Before the class:
- Once you have registered to observe a class, please contact Chavalin directly prior to the class so that she can give a brief introduction to the self-paced online learning resources in iLearn webpage and share the expectation about class participation.
- Download the observation Reflection Sheet
- Read the JPNS1210 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
During the class:
- The observer(s) will be asked to introduce themselves as a visitor. We ask that they remain on mute during the class discussion.
- Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
- Chavalin has indicated that she would like to receive feedback on the implementation of this new model in language learning.
After the class:
- If you would like to arrange an informal chat with Chavalin after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience, please email Chavalin

FAQ’s for Observers
Your questions answered below.
Can I register to observe a class outside my own faculty? What if I’m not familiar with the subject?
Yes, indeed. We’d like to encourage observers to look outside their own faculty. You don’t need to be familiar with the subject matter in order to observe the class. It’s all about observing different approaches to learning and teaching.
The ‘Open for Observation’ program can also be used within the department/faculty/school for peer review and to promote collegial conversations about teaching.
Can I just turn up to a class without registering beforehand?
Please register first. There are a limited number of places available for each class time based on what the teacher has advised is manageable for them and their class, so as not to cause unnecessary disruption to the class. Please only attend a class that you have registered for. Bookings are open up until close of business the day prior to the class.
What should I do if I register to observe a class and then find that I am unable to attend?
If you are not able to attend a class that you have registered for, please contact and we will cancel your booking and make the space available for someone else to book.
What are the reflection prompts for?
The reflection prompts are for you to use during your observation to help you to think about and reflect on the experience to get the most out of it. These prompts are suggestions only, and how you use them is up to you.
Can I leave in the middle of the class or do I have to stay to the end?
As a courtesy to the teacher and the students, and so as not to disrupt the class, it is recommended that you stay for the duration of the class. If there is an urgent reason why you need to leave, just politely advise the teacher.
However, there are some 3-hour classes where the teacher has specifically advised that it would be perfectly acceptable to leave before the end of the class. This has been indicated in the class information where this applies.
Should I approach the teacher before/during/after class?
Please respect the wishes of the teacher about how much contact they would like, and when. We have checked with all the teachers, and have provided information about their preferences under each teacher’s name in the descriptions above. The booking system will automatically let them know who is attending their class. Please note that some teachers have indicated that they would like you to contact them before the class, perhaps to provide information about what to expect in the class.
Please be mindful that teaching staff are often tied up immediately at the end of a class with speaking to students, or they may need to rush off to another class.
How do I obtain the link to observe an online class?
When you register for a class, you will receive a booking confirmation email. If the class is online, the Zoom link will be included in that email.
Should I provide feedback to the teacher after the class?
These teachers have volunteered to open up their classes to allow you to have a unique insight into their teaching practices, so you can get ideas and reflect on your own teaching. Some staff have indicated that they would like to receive feedback on a specific aspect of their teaching, or if they are trying something new. Please be guided by their preferences, as outlined above, for each teacher and please take care to provide feedback only when requested.
If you have any questions about the Open for Observation initiative, please contact
Banner image: Shutterstock
Questions and FAQ images: Pixabay
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