20 April, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Associate Professor Shane Magee is opening up the  AFCP8101 workshop to provide you with an opportunity to observe teaching as part of our ‘Open for Observation’ program in Session 1. Register below to observe this class.

The teacher: Shane Magee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie Business School.

The class: AFCP8101 Financial System, Participants and Instruments.This unit assesses the structure, instruments and participants in the Financial System. Whatever your background, and experience, this unit will help you to see the financial system from a different perspective and reveal its inner workings through shared learning and real-world challenges. Each week consists of a package of pre-recorded video resources, lecture notes and the 1.5-hour webinar. Students work through these resources before the webinar. Students will work in breakout groups on assigned activities.

Before the class: Please contact Shane via email prior to attending the class shane.magee@mq.edu.au. Download the observation Reflection Sheet and read the AFCP8101 Unit Guide. Access the unit via Open iLearn.

During the class:  Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class. Shane will be trialling a mixture of technologies for online teaching and would like feedback on student engagement during the webinar, so consider that too as you observe. Please remain on mute during the class. Students may be allocated to breakout rooms, however observers should not participate in these.

After the class: If you would like to arrange an informal chat with Shane after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience, please email Shane directly shane.magee@mq.edu.au.

Open for Observation program information and FAQ’s

Questions: Contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au


Bookings are closed for this event.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)