22 March, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

29WW Room 292 Wally’s Walk

Dr  Sarah Powell is opening up the EDST4130 workshop to provide you with an opportunity to observe teaching – live and in-person, as part of our ‘Open for Observation’ program in Session 1. Register below to observe this class.

The teacher: Dr Sarah Powell is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Faculty of Arts.

The class: EDST4130 The Arts in Education: An opportunity to observe a practical workshop on campus. Although the workshop runs for 3 hours, observers are welcome to stay for just the first hour – or longer- up to full 3 hoursIn this workshop the students are actively involved in music and dance activities suitable for use in the Primary School. There are 20-30 students in each class.

Before the class: Download the observation Reflection Sheet and read the EDST4130 Unit Guide.There’s no need to contact Sarah before the class, unless you have a desire to read any textbook chapters. Once you register to attend, Sarah will be notified.

During the class: Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class. It would be great if observers were willing to join in with the class as if they were a student and see how that feels – it can be quite full on! Sarah would be interested to know what an observer felt about student engagement. Any feedback on that would be welcome.

After the class: If you would like to arrange an informal chat with Sarah after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience, please email Sarah directly (sarah.powell@mq.edu.au).

Open for Observation program information and FAQ’s

Questions: Contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au


Bookings are closed for this event.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)