29 March, 2022
9:00 am - 11:00 am

01CC Room 214 Central Courtyard

Associate Professor David Ingliss is opening up the MTRN4066 tutorial to provide you with an opportunity to observe teaching – live and in-person, as part of our ‘Open for Observation’ program in Session 1. Register below to observe this class.

The teacher: David Inglis is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering

The class: MTRN4066 Advanced Mechatronics: An opportunity to observe a 2-hour tutorial on campus. The class is what remains after trying to get rid of lectures. It’s two hours of face-to-face time with students to work on whatever needs attention that week. Sometimes there is a lecture, sometimes we do example problems, sometimes we write software, sometimes we do tutorial and homework problems.Weeks 3-8 are probably the most interesting. We’ll be covering modelling of electromechanical systems using really basic code, and then neural nets for image processing.

Before the class:  Download the observation Reflection Sheet and read the MTRN4066 Unit Guide..

During the class: Consider the prompts on this guided Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class: Arrange an informal chat with David after the class as an opportunity to ask any questions about the class and to reflect on your experience. David is keen to talk to other open-minded teachers about how we teach and respond to changes in technology and student expectations (david.inglis@mq.edu.au)

Open for Observation program information and FAQ’s

Questions: Contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au


Bookings are closed for this event.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)