On Tuesday 30 November, we announced the winners of the annual Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards at the virtual 2021 Academic Staff Awards Ceremony (see video below).   

In introducing the winners and finalists, Professor Dominique Parrish, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) acknowledged the dedication within our Learning and Teaching community that is committed to transforming and progressing learning and teaching at Macquarie.

“Macquarie’s Learning and Teaching community is innovative, dynamic, and is proof our focus remains on prioritising students first and providing a high-quality learning experience.

2021 Academic Staff Awards Ceremony

Macquarie University’s Academic Staff Awards acknowledge the nexus between teaching and research – celebrating the highly-commended finalists and award winners for both the Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards and the Research Excellence Awards

2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Award Winners

Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence 

This award recognises staff for their excellence in teaching and support of learning, and the impact they have on motivating and inspiring students to learn. 

Dr Alissa Beath, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences  

Vice-Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award  

This award recognises staff educational leaders and how their leadership has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/or student experience. 

Professor Leonie Tickle, Macquarie Business School  

Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Learning Innovation  

This award recognises staff for their development and implementation of innovations to improve learning, teaching or assessment to enable, motivate, support and inspire students to learn. 

Shamim Joarder, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) 

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Early Career Award 

This award recognises staff with less than five years of teaching experience for their quality teaching. 

Dr Joel Fuller, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences  

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Sessional Staff Award 

This award recognises sessional or casual staff for their commitment to student learning and effective teaching approaches. 

Dr Amanda Head, Faculty of Arts  

Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student-Nominated Award 

This award recognises teachers who have been nominated by students for teaching excellence and for making a difference to learning. 

Dr Holly Doel-Mackaway, Faculty of Arts  

Dr Petra Graham, Faculty of Science and Engineering  

Professor Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Macquarie Business School  

Dr Prashan Karunaratne, Macquarie Business School  

Dr John Turchini, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

Further information is available on the Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards website.

Image Credit: MQ Group Marketing

Posted by Office of the PVC Education


  1. […] Dr Prashan Karunaratne is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, Macquarie Business School. Prashan was recognised for his teaching excellence with a Student Nominated Award in the 2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Awards. […]


  2. […] Prashan’s profile. Prashan was a 2021 winner of a Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student Nominated Award and part of an FoSE Team that won a 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Educational Leader […]


  3. […] Prashan’s profile. Prashan was a 2021 winner of a Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student Nominated Award and part of an FoSE Team that won a 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Educational Leader […]


  4. […] Prashan’s profile. Prashan was a 2021 winner of a Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student Nominated Award and part of an FoSE Team that won a 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award. View […]


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