Messaging Students In iLearn Made Easy With New Tool
A new tool being introduced in iLearn allows you to automatically send messages to students at certain times or when triggered by certain actions. Personalised Learning Designer (PLD), facilitates easier communication with your students and can potentially help with progression...

Navigate New Changes to the Assessment and Unit Guide Policies
This post outlines recent changes to the Assessment and Unit Guide Policies, which provide greater clarity and make them easier to navigate.

Faculty of Arts: Creating Session 2 Unit Readings In Leganto
A reminder to Faculty of Arts units using Leganto in Session 2 to send your reading lists to the Library soon, and information on training and how others can participate.

What Does A 19th Century Architect Have To Do With MQ’s Curriculum Architecture Project?
A brief history of the Macquarie Lighthouse and how its redesign in the 1880s relates to the suggested new approach to the curriculum architecture.

3 Ideas For Better Exams: Beyond Cramming And Forgetting…
Here are some considerations to help you develop more pedagogically-sound practice for exams; steering away from exam design that simply focuses on ‘recalling’ information, towards one that provides students with an opportunity to analyse, synthesise, create and apply their knowledge...

MUIC Is Re-Designing Its Curriculum Too
After successful ThinkTank sessions, the Macquarie University International College (MUIC) is re-designing its curriculum by more effectively embedding academic literacies, authentic assessments, formative feedback, active learning and critical reflection.

Get Your S2 Reading Lists Ready Now
A reminder that the closing date for receipt of Session 2 reading list material for Unit Readings collections (print Reserve and online Unit readings) is Monday 25 June, 2018. If lists are received after this date, items may not be...

10 Things To Know About The Curriculum Architecture Project
Here we unpack some of the key principles, provide more information on your part within the project and send a reminder to add your comments to the feedback forms.

How I Upskilled My Students In Social Media Communication
It’s increasingly important for graduates to have strong communication skills, so here Katherine McClellan shares how she upskilled her students in blogging, Twitter and podcasts.