Loy Lising awarded Advance HE Fellowship
Loy tells us why she recommends that others apply for an Advance HE Fellowship.

Top Takeaways from the Global Classroom Workshop
Top tips from a workshop that got ‘sold out’ just 2 days after being advertised: understanding how to engage and communicate with international students.

Faculties well on their way to transforming the curriculum
Course design and renewal is a job for our experts! Faculties are focusing on maintaining high quality learning outcomes for students in tight timeframes.

NEW: Minimum standards for FOHS iLearn units
FOHS introduces a set of minimum standards for iLearn units.

Academic integrity: Notes for sale in iLearn
What to do if you spot unit notes advertised for sale via iLearn.

Welcome Dominique Parrish, new Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning & Teaching
Welcome to the new Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning & Teaching, Professor Dominique Parrish. She shares her story and her initial thoughts on arriving at Macquarie.

Thanks and Farewell to JoAnne Sparks
JoAnne Sparks is retiring from the University after almost six years. Some of JoAnne's closest colleagues wanted to say a few words to pay tribute as she says farewell to Macquarie University.

Making The Curriculum Pathway Smoother
The Curriculum Management System Project aims to make curriculum data more visible and easy to manage. We find out more about the new system from Alison Guerreiro from the Curriculum and Planning Team.

Open For Education – Open Access Week, 22-28 October
Governments and funding bodies are moving to adopt open policies, but there is uncertainty around how these will be implemented. Find out more about Open Access by engaging with Open Access Week 2018.