What does the FoHS Student Centre Do?
What is the role of the Student Centre and how do you refer students to them?

Fantastic support from FoHS Staff at Open Day
The campus was buzzing, lecture theatres were full and hundreds of meaningful conversations were had across all disciplines.

New bulk email tool released for iLearn Insights
In response to feedback from our growing user base a new bulk emailing tool has been added to iLearn Insights. This new tool allows teaching staff to select from a number of filters to target the group they wish to...

Keeping on the right side of Copyright
Australian copyright law is complex and technical, even when you are copying for educational purposes.

Dr Marina Junqueira Santiago: The power of play
The game-based approach adopted by Marina in Pharmacology tutorials ensures that students are actively engaged and motivated learners and receive regular feedback on their learning as part of the learning activity.

Tell your students: New peer support programs available through Learning Skills
Do your students need extra help with using online learning technologies or improving their writing? Learning Skills are excited to announce two new peer support programs available in Semester 2 for students.

Academic Senate Top 5, July 2019
For a quick run-down, watch the Chair’s vlog and check out the Top 5 items discussed at the meeting.

2019 L&T Awards: Key Dates
With a five-fold increase in applications compared to 2016-2018, find out the timeline for VC L&T Awards.

Welcome to new AD L & T, Penny Van Bergen
Get to know Penny better and have your say about learning and teaching in FHS.