The campus was buzzing, lecture theatres were full and hundreds of meaningful conversations were had across all disciplines!

Thank you to everyone who gave up their time on Saturday 17th August to support this year’s Open Day. Over 135 staff and students from FoHS volunteered on the day (in addition to all the organising that took place in the lead up).

The Executive Dean, Simon Handley, sent his personal thanks saying “It was a great effort by everyone involved and a very successful event for the Faculty.”

There were over 8.000 registrations for the event and over 9,000 attended on the day. Theresa Touma, our Faculty Recruitment Manager, commented that “Initial feedback has been really positive with some great conversations about our new degrees and offerings for 2020. I saw many inspired students eager to apply which was really great. Most lectures were at capacity and our activities were consistently well attended throughout the day.  It was a great day and a great push for our 2020 student recruitment!”

Summary of FoHS activities:

  • The new Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences saw 92 people attend the lecture – presenters Loy Lising and Nick Wilson
  • The new Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences saw 141 people attend the lecture – presenter David Kaplan
  • There was standing room only in the both the UG Psychology lectures – presenter Alissa Beath
  • And the same for UG Education – presenters Belinda Davis, John De Noble and Michael Cavanagh
  • There were activities running for Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Speech and Hearing and Psychology.
  • The Simulation Hub was open for tours and saw over 200 people through the doors
  • There was a steady stream of super engaged students at every advising booth, especially Bachelor of Human Sciences.

Staff Open Day Feedback Survey

If any staff who attended Open Day have any feedback, please feel free to complete the online survey or email Theresa directly with your comments. This will ensure next year’s Open Day is even better!

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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