2018 FoHS Student-Nominated Teaching Award
Spread the word about nominations for the 2018 Faculty of Human Sciences Student-Nominated Teaching Award.

Curriculum Renewal: One Week Left For EOIs, Support Portal Info and Comp Winner Announced
A reminder there's one week left for Faculties to submit EOIs (the first stage of the submission process for 2020 course offerings); support portal and key resource links provided; and the new name for the Student Management Program is revealed.

I Stand With You: How To Support The Respect.Now.Always. Project
With the Respect.Now.Always (RNA) Action Plan launched, learn what steps you can take to combat sexual assault and harassment in the Macquarie University Community.

The Journey Of A Learning & Teaching Philosophy
Find out how MUIC (Macquarie University International College) developed its learning and teaching philosophy, how they introduced it to their community, and how they make it work.

Pracademics: The Small Things
The Learning Innovation Hub and AVTS recently created two short videos on Lectern Fundamentals and Microphone Techniques. And people kind of flipped out. Why? Because it's the small things that go a long way when it comes to making the...

Team Based Learning In Practice
A look at Professional Development in Banking and Finance (AFIN881), and how Team Based Learning and closely collaborating with Faculty Career Consultants has significantly improved the student experience.

iLearn Insights Update – View Unit Access Trends Across Session, Category Level Access + Upcoming Workshop
New features in iLearn Insights include Category level access, to easily view reports for all units inside a Category, and the ability to filter the Unit Access Graph to visualise student access over 1, 2, 3 or 4 month increments.

All New MAC101
MAC101 has had a slick new makeover and contains updated information such as what’s happening when the train station closes and new modules to help students find their feet and hit the ground running. We'd love your feedback as we...

New Fitness to Practice Procedure
The new Fitness to Practice Procedure in the Academic Progression Policy outlines how the University manages the progression of students enrolled in practical, clinical or professional programs or units that have embedded placements and/or registration, accreditation or other mandated requirements.