Teaching Development Resources

Welcome to the teaching development resources page
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Learning and teaching scholarship
Knowledge, application, and contribution to learning and teaching scholarship

Reflection and feedback on practice
Reflective practice, feedback from students, peer feedback and review

Developing self and others
Developing self, developing and working with others in learning and teaching, fostering learning and development cultures

Professional development for teaching
Workshops, self-paced learning modules and more: make teaching development part of your game plan!
Resources on TECHE
Assessment (66) Curriculum and Assessment (12) Curriculum design (8) Developing self (47) Developing self and others (11) Feedback from students (3) Feedback to students (7) Fostering development cultures (2) Learning and Teaching Scholarship (5) Reflection and Feedback on Practice (3) Reflective practice (4) Student engagement (12) Student Learning (22) Student learning (15) Supporting students (17)
A self-assessment activity to find professional development for your role
Self-paced modules, resources and initiatives

Teaching development modules on iLearn

Learning and teaching modules on Workday

Quick Guides for learning and teaching

Explainer series videos

Teaching & Leadership Community of Practice (SharePoint)

MQ Course Reaccreditation (SharePoint)
Professional Learning Teche posts
Learning Technologies Teche posts
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