Developing self and others

Resources for the following PLaCE sub-domains:

D1. Developing self

D2. Working with and developing others

D3. Fostering learning and development cultures

Demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning through developing and documenting skills and expertise is a key mechanism not only for maintaining professional standards of practice, and relevance and currency of qualifications and experience, but also for enabling and fostering learning and development culture that are the foundation of higher education. These skills may be gained formally, through courses or training, or informally, on the job and by working with and observing others.

D1. Developing self
Exploring leadership in Higher EdSlide deck on approaches, and research on HE leadership of learning (Rytmeister, 2016, MQ)
Imagine PhD: Career exploration and planning toolA free, confidential, online career exploration and planning tool for humanities and social sciences. Self assess your interests, skills and values to help you understand your career related skills.
Indigenous knowledges and understandingsIntroduction to Macquarie’s Mudang-Dali Indigenous Connected Curriculum Framework for academics
Navigating the transition from industry to academiaBooklet of information and resources to industry practitioners considering a career in academia and those who have recently moved from industry to higher education.
The damaging myth of the natural teacherChronicle of Higher Education article – October 2021
D2. Working with and developing others
Guide for mentors and menteesA guide to support an evidenced based approach to mentoring of academic staff, for mentors and mentees. It provides direction in establishing and maintaining mentoring relationships with strategies to avoid common pitfalls. (22-page PDF from Spectrum Academic Mentoring).
D3. Fostering learning and development cultures

Resources coming soon!

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