Tag: teaching development

A Framework for Learning and Teaching Staff Development
The PLaCE Framework for Learning and Teaching Staff Development is now open for consultation.

HERDSA webinar series on enabling online communities
HERDSA launches webinar series on sustaining communities of online practice.

The Macquarie MD Assessment Portfolio
Educating for success means offering students the opportunity to track their learning and development. Hear Professor Catherine Dean from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences speak on how the Macquarie Assessment Portfolio (MAP) is allowing our doctors of the...

Assessment fit for the modern graduate
How do we prepare future health professionals for the modern workplace? Associate Professor Taryn Jones answers this question by looking at the programmatic approach to assessments.

Studio shots for MQ staff – December 2019
Book in your photo session for December 2019 - places are limited!

Studio shots for MQ staff
Have a LinkedIn profile and need to update your profile picture?

New Framework coming to support teaching at MQ
The Pro Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching has been developing a comprehensive Professional Learning and Capability Enhancement (PLaCE) Framework.

Training opportunity: Adobe workshops coming to MQ
Adobe will be on campus on Monday 23 September 2019 to run training for MQ staff.

Dr Albert Lee on the value of diagnostic assessment quizzes
Albert has a scientific approach to the delivery of MEDI304; a unit that invites students to complete a diagnostic assessment quiz in Week 0. Results of the quiz support student learning and guide the planning of weekly lectures.