Tag: learning technologies

iLearn Insights: Live Exam Monitor
Macquarie University teaching staff can keep an eye on students doing time-limited activities in iLearn (Moodle) using iLearn Insights 'Live Exam Monitor'.

Zoom participation reporting in iLearn Insights
Use the Zoom participation report in iLearn Insights to view Zoom participation, send emails to participants, and download participation data.

Combined forum participation report in iLearn insights
This new report allows you to monitor student participation in online forums.

Meet the team: Learning Innovation
Meet the Team is a series of articles to introduce the teams of the learning and teaching portfolio following the recent organisational restructure. This week we meet the Learning Innovation team.

Don’t wait until your Zoom recordings end up in the trash!
Act now to link to Echo360 for sharing your Zoom recordings as recordings hosted on Zoom will be automatically trashed after 1 year.

iLearn Drop-in Clinic for Session 2 2021
iLearn Drop-in Clinic is back in the lead up to and start of S2 (12th – 30 July 2021). Get customised help with iLearn, iTeach, Echo360, Turnitin and Feedback Studio and get questions answered about all other MQ learning technologies.

ePortfolio with Portfolium
Time to curate digital portfolios to foster lifelong journeys and expand academic, professional, and personal networks.

Online exams in iLearn: Pick the best tool for the job
A matrix of exam types and best fit iLearn (Moodle) tool for the job.

Beyond the basics: Echo360
You’ve been using Echo360 for a while, but have you been using all its features?