ePortfolio tools are being widely adopted by institutions in Australia and across the world as a space to enable their community members to digitally collate, record, archive, and exhibit their lifelong journeys as well as to reflect on and track their learning pathways in sync with their personal and professional aspirations.

Why ePortfolios?

An electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) is a digital collection of artefacts that is curated to evaluate and showcase skills, competencies, capabilities, qualities, experiences, and achievements through an evidence-based approach.

ePortfolios have many benefits including but not limited to:

  • tracking learning and the learning process purposefully and progressively whilst building digital fluency as per desired outcomes
  • establishing a structured platform to synthesise and showcase portfolios digitally, bolster personal branding, and attract potential employment
  • demonstrating highlights of an academic and professional career
  • supporting a holistic profile building reflecting on personal, academic, and professional development
  • assisting Faculties with the assessment of student capabilities and course evaluation to be fed into curriculum enhancement
  • nurturing student engagement and motivation via cultivating knowledge acquisition through metacognitive thinking and collective learning.

What is our ePortfolio platform?

We have implemented Portfolium as the University’s enterprise ePortfolio platform and Faculty of Arts has been piloting it with their Bachelor of Arts capstone unit. The Faculty has been receiving positive feedback from students so far and is now inventing further ways to embed the ePortfolio concept using Portfolium into their flagship Bachelor of Arts course.

Let’s hear more about the journey from the Faculty and their students:

We have also established the MQU’s own branded ePortfolio network which is growing progressively. Yes! It is definitely a great idea to become part of the network and try out the digital platform to explore its features. To join the MQ ePortfolio network, you will need to create your account which is a very simple process and takes (literally!) less than a minute. Please visit the Portfolium Staff Support Portal and follow the instructions illustrated under the Access section, “How to I sign up for a Portfolium Network account?” tab.

Do you want to know more about ePortfolio with Portfolium?

We have established the ePortfolio Advisory Group as the key University stakeholder group with representatives across each faculty and relevant business units. The Group was formed to provide advice and suggest best practices to ePortfolio practitioners across the University vis-à-vis their ePortfolio related undertakings. Advice and practices will be presented from both pedagogical and technology design and implementation perspectives. The Group’s primary aim is to facilitate an advisory and knowledge hub that comprises shared and collective learning associated with ePortfolio activities and practices.

Have an ePortfolio undertaking in mind? Or do you want to explore more on the ePortfolio concept and Portfolium as an enabler? You can reach out to the Group by contacting:

Arda Tezcan, Learning Innovation Manager, arda.tezcan@mq.edu.au x1193

Associate Professor Panos Vlachopoulos, Associate Dean, Quality and Standards, Faculty of Arts, panos.vlachopoulos@mq.edu.au x7938

Posted by Arda Tezcan

Arda is the Learning Innovation Manager in the Learning and Teaching portfolio.

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