9 tips for remembering student names
Remembering names is hard, especially when it comes to large groups. However, knowing your students' names can make a huge difference to creating a warm and inclusive environment, and helping your students feel like they belong.

Welcome back to Teaching – Session 1, 2019
Feeling frazzled with the start of session? Here's some tips for you and your students and links to resources.

AV Lectern Training – New lectern types have arrived on Campus
Are you mystified by the various lecterns at Macquarie? No problem, the AVTS Team are running Lectern training sessions to ensure you can work it like a pro!

Help students engage better with lecture recordings with the trial of speech recognition transcripts
Echo360’s new automatic transcription feature converts lecture recordings into searchable text. Find out more about this feature and how your unit can be part of the trial.

WP LEAP Partnership Engagement Grant Scheme (PEGS)
The Widening Participation Unit is inviting Expressions of Interest for the 2019 LEAP PEGS initiative. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Programs and Pathways has allocated $200,000 of Higher Education Partnerships and Pathways Program (HEPPP) funding to be available for the 2019 LEAP Partnership...

How do we turn moments of racism in the classroom into meaningful moments of learning, for every student present?
We teachers have each faced moments in our face-to-face teaching where we have had to respond quickly to racist assumptions/comments, be these explicit or subtle. We wondered how others teach their way through these moments so ran a campus-wide workshop...

FoHS 2019 L&T Priorities, Plans and Projects
2018 was an exceptionally productive year for the Faculty dominated by the Curriculum Architecture Project. The Faculty Learning and Teaching team would like to thank everyone for their efforts throughout 2018. With January now over, it is time to commit...

HEA Fellowship Program @ MQ now open for 2019 applications
Macquarie’s Advance HE (HEA) Fellowship program is now open for new applications in 2019. HEA Fellowships provide formal recognition of professional practice in higher education teaching and learning support. They are awarded to university teachers and learning professionals who have...

Senior HEA Fellow, Dr Olga Kozar, shares her HEA application story
Olga (in the middle of the photo in the red top) gives an insider's view on what it's like applying for HEA Fellowship here at Macquarie.