Video based assessment in non-media subjects
Video based assessment is being used in a variety of ways across Macquarie. Check out the summary of this presentation from the Festival of Assessment on the topic.

The humble Wiki
by Cathy Mewes and Bettina Pfaendner In the process of teaching students we are in a constant wave of decision making: How do we transmit our content knowledge in a way that sticks with the learner and enables them to...

FoHS: Special Consideration Reminder
An important reminder about the Special Consideration policy for all FoHS Unit Convenors

Learning with Leganto: Information for FoHS
Register now for training on how to create and manage a Leganto reading list

Updates to iLearn Insights as a result of your feedback
Check out these great tools in iLearn Insights that help educators engage students and keep track of how students are going.

Transferable Skills for EMCRs: workshop registrations now open
Early and mid-career researchers interested in gaining key skills that will help them build successful careers are invited to join the Transferable Skills Toolkit workshops.

We never forget good teachers: Kate Scrivener
FMHS Teacher Feature #3: In order to promote the development of analytical skills, Kate Scrivener developed a package of resources designed to authenticate the learning experience. The learning resources have received excellent feedback from staff and students.

Passport to global employment: Preparing students for online interviews in a foreign language
Many of our students will enter an international job market in which video interviews and resumes are becoming increasingly common. To help our students to apply for jobs and internships internationally, we trialled a project preparing our students for video...

Academic Senate Top 5, February 2019
Check out the the Academic Senate Chair's quick run-down and vlog of the meeting on 19 Feb: new members; CMS; Freedom of Speech, Inquiry and Assembly; Shared Academic Governance; and Mudang-Dali.