What is the process for Session 1 2021 exams?
The timeline for the preparation and submission of final exams for session 1 2021 has now been finalised. This applies to both on-campus and online examinations. Exam preparation timeline (s1 2021) The exams season in session 1 2021 will run...

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – the 7th sip!
Memories of learning

Live automated transcription and captioning now available in Zoom
Enhance engagement and accessibility in your Zoom classes and meetings

Have you recently started teaching at Macquarie? This module is for you!
This induction module covers all you need to know for learning and teaching at Macquarie.

4 things to consider when picking a teaching space
What learning space will work best for you? 4 things to consider

Advances in virtual galleries for education
Hear about the latest cutting-edge developments in the creation of virtual galleries for teaching

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – the 6th sip!
What is your university story?

Changing your name in iLearn
Changing to a new or preferred name on iLearn is easier than you think.

A course review process to maximise student mental wellbeing and engagement
The Linguistics Department is prioritising student mental wellbeing in a bid to improve student engagement.