3 ways to dig into Library skills for teaching
Discover how to enhance your teaching with Library resources to improve student success.

Work integrated learning: designing and embedding opportunities for students
Discover how to design a scaffolded, authentic and supported student WIL experience.

First year transition – laying the foundations for learning success
What can teachers do to inspire and support first year students?

Open your classroom to share your practice – and passion – for teaching
Sign up for 'Open for Observation' this session.

Discover what’s new in iLearn and access comprehensive training and support
All the support you need for using iLearn this session.

Applying UDL principles to the design of a Very Large Unit
Natasha Todorov (Psychology) offers some strategies for supporting neurodiverse students in very large online units, using approaches aligned with Universal Design for Learning principles.

Ask us – What are the best real-time polling and quiz tools for in-class interaction?
We find the answer: There’s a lot of choice when it comes to tools for creating polls and quizzes. How do you select which one is right for you?

Get all your ducks in a row for the start of session
A handy checklist to help you prepare for the start of session.

Avoid death by PowerPoint with a new self-paced module
Design better presentations to enhance student learning.