Electronic Exams Are Now Available!
Electronic exams are now available for suitable Macquarie University units. Electronic exams maintain all characteristics expected from supervised paper exams but are easier to mark, require no paper and make it easier to provide students with feedback. Find out more...

Turnitin Multiple and Anonymous Marking
Two new Turnitin features, Multiple Markers and Anonymous Marking are available for Session 2 2018. What are they and when could you use them?

Meet the 2018 Arts Learning & Teaching Award Winners
Read about this year's Arts Learning and Teaching Award recipients and their outstanding work.

Invitation To Pilot New iLearn Reporting Feature
The Learning Innovation Hub has developed a new, easy-to-use iLearn reporting tool, iLearn Insights, that they will be piloting in Session 2 and are looking for Unit Convenors to be part of the pilot.

Get To Know The English Language Centre
The Macquarie University English Language Centre has been around for 29 years, is a leader in the sector, having won numerous awards and written the highly successful IELTS Online program, used worldwide. Find out more about this Macquarie gem that's...

The Hum – Humans of MUIC
Amos tells us his Teaching Philosophy, Khyiah shares how she writes Young Adult Fiction, Eugene talks about student motivation and Dimity speaks about her move from W.A.

Developing Future-Ready Grads by Re-Designing Curriculum with Industry Partners
Hear about Macquarie's Co-op program, the Actuarial Studies Co-op, and what students and industry partners can learn from each other.

iLearn Drop-in Clinic for Session 2
iLearn Drop-in Clinic is back in the lead up to and start of S2 (16th July – 3 August 2018). Get customised help with iLearn, iTeach, Echo360, Turnitin and Feedback Studio and get questions answered about all other MQ learning...

Curriculum Architecture Feedback Results & Next Steps
Mariella Herberstein shares how the Curriculum Architecture project came about, what feedback the principles have received so far and what comes next.