Cracking the HEA Code: How To Write Reflectively
The HEA Fellowship program is now well established at Macquarie. Are you currently writing your application or are thinking about it in the future? Here I share some tips and insights on how to tackle the tricky 'reflective' writing style...

Professors Profess: Ian Paulsen
Professor Ian Paulsen expresses his mutual love of science and gaming and the problem solving involved in both, his initial concerns about teaching and how diversifying and seizing opportunities is the way to survive the academic adventure.

Make iLearn Fun and Engaging with H5P
H5P is an tool that can help you create fun and engaging interactive activities in iLearn. There are over 40 content types including course presentation, drag and drop, fill in the blanks, hot spots, image sequencing and many more.

Coffee Course Day 1: Why Is Feedback So Tricky To Get Right?
Olga and Geraldine, as guest writers for The ANU 'Coffee Courses' Professional Learning Program, have written a 5-day course on Feedback for Learning. Day 1 goes through common misconceptions about Feedback and how to rethink them.

The Hum: Humans Of Macquarie
Zoe talks about Macquarie's collegial spirit, Pierre shares how he loves helping people, Jacqueline recalls how happy she's been to help establish the Medical Faculty and Matthew explains why uni's more enjoyable than school.

2018 FoHS Dean’s Award Winners Announced
The Dean's Awards for Learning & Teaching promote, recognise and reward learning and teaching programs and support services that make an outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning and the quality of the student experience at Macquarie.

Project Beacon Kicks Off
Project Beacon, the newly named Student Management Program Project, has kicked off Phase 1 this week with a demo of the chosen Curriculum Management System, CourseLoop.

Congratulations to FoHS’ new HEA Fellows
And Gladly talks to our recently awarded HEA Fellows and asks them about their applications and whether they would recommend it to others.

Gradebook Reminder and Gradebook-AMIS Project In The Works
It is a requirement in the Faculty of Human Sciences that all student grades must be available through iLearn Gradebook. Please contact your Faculty Learning Designers if you need further assistance.