Innovative assessment captivating Biology students
One Health Antibiotic Resistance Science Fair – integrating research, teaching and outreach in assessment practice.

Achieving a work-life balance while juggling research and teaching
Mike Heimlich and Stuart Jackson from the School of Engineering, Michelle Leishman from Biological Sciences, and Orsola De Marco from Physics and Astronomy talk about their personal paths towards achieving work-life balance.

Helping students become more employable: MyMQ Career Zone
Help your students with their professional development and confidence as they work through their Macquarie degree.

Student Success @ Macquarie: we all have a role
The Student Success Strategic Framework Green Paper has just been released for review and feedback. It is a synthesis of research findings, staff and student workshops, surveys, and external reviews conducted over the past five years.

New curriculum connections for museum collections
Mapping collection objects with teaching units across campus: uncovering resources buried in the Uni’s museums to maximise their value to our skilled teaching staff and curriculum developers. It is all about removing barriers between the learning and teaching community and...

Watch Murray’s funny speech at the VC’s L&T Awards 2018
Sharing his very personal and candid story of growth, Dr Murray Taylor, who was the recipient of a Vice-Chancellor Citation Award in Learning and Teaching 2018, had the room in stitches. A moment too good not to share!

Surviving And Managing Marking
Helpful tips from the blog archive on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane!

Defensive pessimism and self-handicapping: Helping students
Olga shares some lessons from the Staff Wellbeing Week circus skills workshop that can help educators deal with defensive pessimism in students.

Macquarie Employability Programs lead to Career Success
Help students to improve their career development awareness, employability skills and job search skills with the Professional Development and Create Your Future Programs.