watering plants

Coffee Course Day 3: Feedback Timing

They say timing is everything, and it can be particularly crucial for the feedback experience. The key is to provide feedback with enough time for students to use it effectively to improve and advance their study.

/ 18 September, 2018
Group of students talking

Refugee Transitions – How Can We Facilitate Success For Students From Refugee Backgrounds

A recent study on the transition challenges students from refugee backgrounds face in the quest to achieve further education also provides a series of recommendations to help facilitate success.

/ 6 September, 2018
Group of students

1000 Students Can’t Be Wrong!

WriteWISE is the university’s peer-led writing support program. Over the past two years, WriteWISE has helped commencing students develop confidence and capability as academic writers.

/ 6 September, 2018

Latest SPG Project Successes

A quick overview of current Strategic Priority Grant (SPG) Projects and how they're progressing.

/ 6 September, 2018

Beacon Lights The Way: And What’s The Difference Between a CMS and SMS?

An interview with Gail White, Executive Director, Student Engagement and Registrar, on her role in Project Beacon, the difference between a CMS and an SMS and what will happen to AMIS.

watering plants

Coffee Course Day 2: The Role Of Emotions In The Feedback Experience

Giving and getting critical feedback can be an emotional experience. Here we look at ways to help both you and your students navigate the emotions and power dynamics of the feedback experience.

/ 29 August, 2018

Cracking the HEA Code: How To Write Reflectively

The HEA Fellowship program is now well established at Macquarie. Are you currently writing your application or are thinking about it in the future? Here I share some tips and insights on how to tackle the tricky 'reflective' writing style...

/ 29 August, 2018
Ian Paulsen

Professors Profess: Ian Paulsen

Professor Ian Paulsen expresses his mutual love of science and gaming and the problem solving involved in both, his initial concerns about teaching and how diversifying and seizing opportunities is the way to survive the academic adventure.

/ 29 August, 2018

Make iLearn Fun and Engaging with H5P

H5P is an tool that can help you create fun and engaging interactive activities in iLearn. There are over 40 content types including course presentation, drag and drop, fill in the blanks, hot spots, image sequencing and many more.

/ 29 August, 2018