Results for: ilearn insights

Beginning to Teach: register now for our November intake
An introductory teaching program with a practical focus for those who are just starting or have a couple of sessions of university teaching under their belt.

Ask us: What are your favourite course design resources?
We find the answer: uncovering resources to aid course design processes.

Assessment tweaks in response to generative artificial intelligence
Assessment tweaks you can do now in response to generative artificial intelligence without needing to change anything in MQCMS.

What environmental sciences can tell us about teaching in higher education
How providing opportunities for learning outside the classroom can deliver memorable and authentic learning experiences.

Myth busting the reporting of Learner Experience of Unit surveys
Let's examine the reliability, validity and what is in the LEU survey reports.

Spotlight on practice: Dealing with emergencies in life and teaching – Michael Volkov
In this TECHE 'long read', Michael Volkov (Marketing) talks about his approach to teaching and why niceness is underrated.

Introducing MyLearn
A new digital tool to provide study insights for students.

Reflections on 2021, and thinking ahead to 2022
Learning and teaching leaders reflect on the past year and plans for the new year.

Wrapping up a lively year for the teaching and leadership community
Demonstrating that collaboration, collegiality - and community - works for supporting teaching - and teachers.