Category: Curriculum

Countdown to launching your S2 Unit Guide
Important dates and information to ensure your Unit Guide is ready on time.

Helping students join the dots: implementing a connected curriculum framework
How Linguistics set about boosting student engagement by connecting students to the academic life and research activities of their Department.

Course learning outcomes – from constructive alignment to assurance of learning
Using CLOs to ensure student success - a roadmap for teaching teams.

Authentic Assessment
Tasks representative of the complexity encountered in the discipline and professional practice.

Including Indigenous perspectives across the curriculum
Practical advice and guidance to ensure you have the skills and resources to support meaningful inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in your unit.

Programmatic Assessment
A programme of assessment to create a wholistic picture of each student's capabilities throughout their entire learning journey.

Key elements that underpin curriculum design
This MOOC module extends curriculum design to include learner engagement and graduate futures.

Confused about what shared teaching means?
Here's the official definitions of Co-Badging, Co-Teaching and Co-Locating.

Ask us: What are your favourite course design resources?
We find the answer: uncovering resources to aid course design processes.