Category: Supporting Learning


Referencing Generative AI and why students should take the CRAAP test: Advice from the Library

Help your students become more digitally literate and demonstrate academic integrity by appropriately referencing their use of Generative AI tools

/ 1 March, 2023

Safeguarding academic integrity, connecting law students with markers: Assessment via viva voce

This Macquarie Law School teaching team has focused on authentic assessment via viva voce exams, not only to defend academic integrity, but also to accelerate student employability.

/ 1 March, 2023

Supervising and supporting HDR students with disability

Adam Johnston, HDR candidate (Macquarie Law School) and Associate Professor Kathleen Tait (Macquarie School of Education) on supporting HDR students with disability.

/ 22 February, 2023

Check if an assignment was submitted from an offshore or onshore location using iLearn Insights

iLearn Insights highlights if there is a mismatch between where the student accesses iLearn and where their assignment was submitted.

/ 20 February, 2023

ChatGPT and AI: What’s our state of play?

MQ's response to ChatGPT and what's to come.

/ 9 February, 2023

Where to start with an inclusive teaching approach

A few simple ideas to help empower everyone in your class to learn.

/ 3 February, 2023

Student services – What’s changed for 2023?

Important changes have been made to the delivery of student services and support. Here is what you need to know for 2023!

/ 3 February, 2023

Enhancing ‘teacher presence’ to improve online engagement

In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, improving Convenor (teacher) presence in the online space proved to be very effective for student engagement.

/ 25 January, 2023

iLearn Insights: new functionality for S1, 2023

iLearn Insights new features make it an even more valuable tool for monitoring student engagement in your unit.

/ 17 January, 2023