All posts by Vanessa Todd

Digital Library tools to help your students succeed this session

6 ways to boost your students' information and digital skills.

/ 12 July, 2024

Learn how to use Udemy content in your online unit

With LinkedIn Learning access at Macquarie ending soon, get to know Udemy Business – a self-paced learning platform providing resources for staff and students.

/ 7 February, 2024

Easy tips to support students referencing in 2024

Provide students with consistent advice about referencing with these practical guides.

/ 1 February, 2024

Referencing Generative AI and why students should take the CRAAP test: Advice from the Library

Help your students become more digitally literate and demonstrate academic integrity by appropriately referencing their use of Generative AI tools

/ 1 March, 2023

Let the Library guide your students to find subject-specific resources

The Library has updated Subject and Research Guides for students with recommended key resources for their discipline, and advice on finding and using information for assignments and research.

/ 14 September, 2022

Learning online at MQ – resources for students

Key tools for students learning online at Macquarie.

/ 2 April, 2020