Digital Library tools to help your students succeed this session
6 ways to boost your students' information and digital skills.

Learn how to use Udemy content in your online unit
With LinkedIn Learning access at Macquarie ending soon, get to know Udemy Business – a self-paced learning platform providing resources for staff and students.

Easy tips to support students referencing in 2024
Provide students with consistent advice about referencing with these practical guides.

Referencing Generative AI and why students should take the CRAAP test: Advice from the Library
Help your students become more digitally literate and demonstrate academic integrity by appropriately referencing their use of Generative AI tools

Let the Library guide your students to find subject-specific resources
The Library has updated Subject and Research Guides for students with recommended key resources for their discipline, and advice on finding and using information for assignments and research.

Learning online at MQ – resources for students
Key tools for students learning online at Macquarie.