Category: Supporting Learning

Check it out! Report shows at a glance if your unit meets Template requirements
A new checklist report allows you to quickly see if your unit matches the MQ iLearn Template. Check it out now in iLearn Insights!

Combined Zoom participation reporting in iLearn Insights
Find out how many Zoom sessions each student participated in, and for how long, by running this new summary report.

Is your iLearn unit template ready? 5 simple steps to have it set up in no time
From S1, your iLearn unit should be laid out according to the MQ Online Learning Standards.

Countdown to launching your S1 Unit Guide
Important dates and information to ensure your Unit Guide is ready on time

iLearn Insights: new functionality for S1, 2022
Find out what's new for 2022, how to access it and where to get help with using iLearn Insights.

Rubrics: Why, What and How
A quick tour of the Why, What, and How behind rubrics - with links to resources.

Creating a consistent online learning experience for students with the MQ Online Learning Standards & iLearn Template
A set of MQ Online Learning Standards and a university-wide iLearn Template will be implemented from Session 1, 2022. Here’s what you need to know.

Academic Integrity – supporting our staff and students with a simplified approach
Key Academic Integrity resources for the end of session.

AV upgrades coming soon to central courtyard teaching spaces, thanks to your feedback!
Find out what’s being actioned for next session in response to staff feedback.