Category: Supporting Learning

Inclusive teaching: reasonable adjustment for learning needs

Supporting students with disabilities to participate in tertiary education is complex, and includes negotiating and implementing learning supports and processes. Here, Kathleen Tait and Sue Silveria suggest some practical techniques.

/ 28 June, 2022

Pedagogy 2.0: flipping the textbook

We've flipped the classroom. Could 'flipping the textbook' be the next step for higher education?

/ 22 June, 2022

Follow these 5 steps to ensure your iLearn unit meets MQ’s online learning standards

Your iLearn unit should be laid out according to the iLearn Template to provide a consistent online learning experience for students.

/ 15 June, 2022

Inclusive Teaching Forum Q&A: Teaching for Diversity

Answering your questions from the Inclusive Teaching Forum.

/ 15 June, 2022

Constructive alignment in a nutshell: identifying what we want students to learn

Designing activities and assessment to best support the desired learning outcomes.

/ 9 June, 2022

Tips for Unit Convenors: Setting up iLearn to optimise MyLearn for students

Answering Unit Convenor questions about what MyLearn displays for students.

/ 9 June, 2022

In focus: iLearn workbooks

Dr Kelly Gray explains why iLearn workbooks are great for asynchronous online learning and shares some tips for integrating them into your unit.

/ 2 June, 2022