A set of MQ Online Learning Standards and a university-wide iLearn Template have been developed in response to student feedback about improving the consistency of their online learning experience and in line with the Operating Plan priority of students first.

Are you already thinking about your iLearn unit for 2022 (or even for Session 3)? Here is what you need to know and the simple steps to make sure you follow the iLearn Template and MQ Online Learning Standards.

What are the MQ Online Learning Standards and iLearn Template?

The MQ Online Learning Standards provide a set of minimum threshold standards designed to be used as a resource to guide teaching staff when designing and setting up their iLearn units.

The iLearn Template is the practical representation of the MQ Online Learning Standards, making it easy for teaching staff to meet most of the standards by simply following the template.

Visit the iLearn website for all you need to know about the MQ Online Learning Standards and the iLearn Template.

What are the benefits and why have our students asked for this?

The MQ Online Learning Standards and iLearn Template distil the key elements our students have asked for in their online learning.

Students have told us very loudly that they:

  • Want consistency across their iLearn units
  • Have difficulty in finding important learning material and assessment information in iLearn

By setting your iLearn unit up according to the standards and template, all students will:

  • Be able to find things more easily
  • Experience less confusion
  • Free up their cognitive load for learning!

For staff, this will lead to reduced administrative workload in answering student questions and providing directions to important information.

The goal is for a happier learning and teaching experience all round!

Listen to the Podcast introducing the MQ Online Learning Standards and iLearn Template and why our students have asked us for them.

Read more about the what and why in TECHE.

What do I need to do in my iLearn unit? How much extra work will this be?

For most people, it should only take a few simple steps to tune up your unit to the iLearn Template. If you have already set your unit up with a faculty template, it may simply be a quick check to make sure everything is still in the right place. There is plenty of support available to help you as well.

It’s Unit Tune Up Time!
Start with these 5 simple steps to tune up your iLearn unit


Declutter Topic Zero (area at the top of your unit). Check there is only a small banner, Announcements, Discussion forum and Dialogue (if you are using them). The Academic integrity Module for students will automatically appear here. Remove any other labels, notices and links, otherwise students find this lengthy scroll frustrating each time they want to reach their learning content below.


Add a Unit Contacts Block to your unit, which includes contact details and photos of teaching staff in the unit.


Add a Unit information topic at the top of your unit and add the official Unit Guide link.


Add an Assessment topic at the top of your unit and then add an Assessment overview table in this topic. Adding an assessment table is now quick and can be done with just a few clicks.

Make sure the Assessment topic contains all assessment tasks and information.


Complete the MQ Online Learning Standards checklist to see if there is anything else you need to tune up.

Your unit should now be set out as per the iLearn Template like this.

I’d like help, what support is available?

There is plenty of support available to assist you with tuning up your unit to the iLearn Template and Online Learning Standards, depending on how you like to do things.

Like to DIY? Use the self-help guides and MQ Online Learning Standards Checklist.

Would you like someone to do it with you? Contact ilearn.help@mq.edu.au to schedule a consultation with (human) L&T support. Also, keep your eye out for ‘Template Tune-up sessions’ that you can drop into for one-on-one assistance – coming soon.

Have some questions? Please reach out to ilearn.help@mq.edu.au anytime for help or if you have any queries.

When do I need to do this by?

If you have a Session 3 Unit:

  • The MQ Online Learning Standards and iLearn Template are being piloted in Session 3. Convenors of Session 3 units are encouraged to follow the template.

From Session 1, 2022:

  • All units will need follow the template.

Make sure you follow these steps and access any support you need when starting to set up your iLearn unit.

How were the MQ Online Learning Standards and iLearn Template developed?

Listen to the Podcast or read more about the development journey which took a students as partners approach and a university-wide collaboration.

Questions? Email: ilearn.help@mq.edu.au

Banner image: Tumisu from Pixabay
Megaphone image: Business photo created by katemangostar – www.freepik.com
Happy image: Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

Posted by Amanda Parker

Learning Enhancement Manager, PVC L&T

One Comment

  1. […] information about the iLearn Template and Standards is available on TECHE and the MQ website. Faculty of Arts staff can find more information about the template and faculty […]


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