Category: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
From the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences.
Top 3 Questions about ALP ahead of Session 1, 2018
Create a presentation, add activities, tell me more about the analytics.
VoiceThread: Create Engaging Multimodal Learning Activities
Discussion forums, quizzes, and presentations are about to change.
Success in Strategic Priority Grants
In the Faculty of Human Sciences, a number of exciting new L&T projects have been made possible through the awarding of Strategic Priority Grants for 2018.
Reminder: Add the Active Learning Platform (ALP) block
An important reminder for all S1 2018 unit convenors
All Aboard: Auto-tutorial groups
Nightmares about iLearn Groups are about to become a thing of the past
Are you ready for Session 1?
Your go-to checklist for iTeach, iLearn, Unit Guide actions for S1, 2018
Wireless screen sharing in the classroom: Prowise, Vivi and more
A world beyond ClickShare...
Leading professional development
3 examples of new professional development initiatives across the Macquarie community
FoHS Learning 2020 Strategic Priorities for 2017 ✓
An wrap up of Faculty of Human Sciences Strategic Priority activities in 2017