Congratulations to FoHS grant recipients

A number of exciting new L&T projects have been made possible through the awarding of Strategic Priority Grants for 2018.

The Dean announced recently that the successful grant recipients from our Faculty are:

  • Dr Alissa BeathStudent engagement in online learning – Psychology via OUA ($150,000)
  • Dr Agnes BosanquetLearning 2020 Research Enriched Teaching ($80,000)
  •  Professor Garry FalloonProfessional digital competencies project. ($150,000)
  •  Dr Anne Forbes and Dr Iain Hay (a cross Faculty project) – MyScience@MQ – advancing great teaching and inspired learning in science ($112,600).
  • Dr Mitch Parsell (in conjunction with AProf Panos Vlachopoulos from Faculty of Arts) – Comparing student engagement in different modes of ‘lecture’ delivery at Macquarie University ($45,000).

Aspects of these projects will lead to outcomes that can be shared across the Faculty through the learning and teaching network.

Start planning now for future grant funding rounds in 2018:

It is expected that there will be 2 further funding rounds for 2018 Learning & Teaching grants.

  • An APRIL round which will accept 6 month and 3 month project applications (applications due early March)
  • An AUGUST round for 3 month project applications only
  • In both cases all funds must be spent by 31st December 2018

So if you have an idea for a project that requires some funding and can be aligned with one of the L&T strategic priority areas, start putting your ideas together so you are ready to make the pitch (to the Faculty AD L&T in the first instance).

Further information can be found at this link: Strategic Priority Grants

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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