Category: DVCA

Examiners: Submitting on-campus exam files
Examiners: finalise and submit in-person on-campus final exam files to the exams office for the session 1 2021 exam period.

Draft exam timetable released for S1 2021- check it and start building!
The session 1 2021 draft examination timetable has been released on the web.

Changes to the Assessment Policy starting 1 July 2021
A summary of key policy changes and what you need to know to prepare.

Staff: Please check the pre-release exam timetable
A pre-release draft version of the Session 1 exam timetable (including OUA examinable units) is available for viewing by faculty staff using a read-only link that can be found in the exams office wiki page. Please check the pre-release exam...

What is the process for Session 1 2021 exams?
The timeline for the preparation and submission of final exams for session 1 2021 has now been finalised. This applies to both on-campus and online examinations. Exam preparation timeline (s1 2021) The exams season in session 1 2021 will run...

From the DVC (A): A briefing for Unit Convenors on student and staff success in S1
Essential information for Unit Convenors

New Academic Integrity Taskforce
An Academic Integrity Taskforce (AITF) has been established to develop and operationalise a plan for the University’s approach to Academic Integrity.

A Framework for Learning and Teaching Staff Development
The PLaCE Framework for Learning and Teaching Staff Development is now open for consultation.

Practical Tips for TEDS Surveys in the online teaching environment
If you haven’t decided yet about whether or not to order a TEDS survey this semester, check out the post on TEDS in Turbulent Times Before we go on to tips about surveying successfully, it’s important to remind you that...