Month: February 2023

All About Assessments forum – have your say

Your feedback is important! Invitation to provide comments on the current Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure, as part of the post-implementation review process.

/ 24 February, 2023

Congratulations to our AAUT winners for 2022!

Our 2022 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) winners from Macquarie have enhanced student learning and been recognised on a national level.

/ 24 February, 2023

Looking back at our learning and teaching highlights of 2022

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), Professor Dominique Parrish, explores and reflects on the key achievements of the portfolio in 2022.

/ 23 February, 2023

Supervising and supporting HDR students with disability

Adam Johnston, HDR candidate (Macquarie Law School) and Associate Professor Kathleen Tait (Macquarie School of Education) on supporting HDR students with disability.

/ 22 February, 2023
robot under interrogation

Why does ChatGPT generate fake references?

Uncovering the ingredients that go into robotic porkie pies and some possible sweet dessert at the end.

/ 20 February, 2023

Check if an assignment was submitted from an offshore or onshore location using iLearn Insights

iLearn Insights highlights if there is a mismatch between where the student accesses iLearn and where their assignment was submitted.

/ 20 February, 2023

ChatGPT and AI: What’s our state of play?

MQ's response to ChatGPT and what's to come.

/ 9 February, 2023

Where to start with an inclusive teaching approach

A few simple ideas to help empower everyone in your class to learn.

/ 3 February, 2023