Tag: learning technologies

2020 Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies
The 2020 Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies organises educational technologies by types to help educators select the tools they need to support learning.

Departments rising to the challenges and opportunities created by Covid-19 travel restrictions
In this article, we share some of the creative efforts of three departments and individuals within the Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences.

New kids on the block!
Read about the new iLearn block designed as a convenient touchpoint for students during this period of rapid pedagogical change.

A/Prof Verity Pacey: Personalising online communication for students during these extraordinary times
Verity has recently become a ‘power-user’ and advocate of the iLearn ‘Personalised Learning Designer’ (PLD) tool, running a number of training sessions for DHP staff. Verity says, “It is a huge positive in terms of personalising online communication for our...

Improve personalised student emails by using iLearn Insights ‘Variables’
iLearn Insights now have the capability to make your emails visually appealing by adding bold, clickable links and different types of headings. You can also use iLearn Insights variables to add dynamic content to your emails to students with minimum...

StudyWISE Refresh
Extensively refreshed to support MQ2020, the StudyWISE iLearn unit is a toolbox to help students develop research skills, academic writing skills and more.

iLearn Insights updates to assist you with online delivery
If you have not yet used iLearn Insights, go here to learn how this award winning, Learning Innovation Hub-developed tool can support your teaching: iLearn insights A number of updates have been rolled out to iLearn Insights that will be...

Not sure where to start with the move online? Start here.
The basics steps to preparing for learning and teaching online.

COVID-19 5 things you can do right now to prepare your iLearn unit for online delivery
Unsure where to start in this evolving teaching environment? This article describes how to do 5 things you can start implementing right now.