Tag: learning technologies

Updates to iLearn Insights as a result of your feedback
Check out these great tools in iLearn Insights that help educators engage students and keep track of how students are going.

Do entrepreneurial skills enhance the employability of graduate engineers?
Integrating transferable enterprise skills into units by using MQIDEA to really boost student employability after graduation: find out more!

Team X – A Teamwork Experience to Support Student Employability
Team X, the output of a Strategic Priority Grant, presents teachers and learners with the resources needed to create meaningful and successful teamwork experiences across existing units and programs at Macquarie University.

Macquarie is an institutional member of EDUCAUSE: staff have access to all EDUCAUSE resources including webinars and reports. Find out more about what it is and how to access the resources.

Get familiar with the new lecterns
Are you mystified by the various lecterns at Macquarie? No problem, the AVTS Team is here to help!

AV Lectern Training – New lectern types have arrived on Campus
Are you mystified by the various lecterns at Macquarie? No problem, the AVTS Team are running Lectern training sessions to ensure you can work it like a pro!

Help students engage better with lecture recordings with the trial of speech recognition transcripts
Echo360’s new automatic transcription feature converts lecture recordings into searchable text. Find out more about this feature and how your unit can be part of the trial.

Track Student Completion of the Academic Integrity Module and Compare Past Units Using iLearn Insights
iLearn Insights is continuing to add new tools and reports to aid teaching staff in visualising unit information and communicating with students. Over the coming weeks we will be highlighting the new features that are available to all teaching staff. This post will highlight two new features: ...

3D Digital Heritage Capture: Macquarie Lightstation 200 years
On 30 November 2018, 200 years to the day of the first Macquarie lighthouse being lit, we launched a digital heritage resource at a civic event next to the lighthouse as well as on our website and the Trust’s website so...