If you have not yet used iLearn Insights, go here to learn how this award winning, Learning Innovation Hub-developed tool can support your teaching: iLearn insights

A number of updates have been rolled out to iLearn Insights that will be helpful during the move to online delivery at Macquarie. The most exciting and significant change is that iLearn Insights now displays real time information. That means that anything that happens in your iLearn unit can instantly be reported in iLearn Insights. This allows you to provide feedback to students immediately.

Two new reports have also been added that allow you to identify and contact students who have not yet engaged with specific resources or learning activities in your unit.

Students who have not accessed a particular resource

This report is designed to work with the Book, Page and URL resource types.  If Book resource type is selected, this report can identify and report if a student has not accessed either the whole book or a particular chapter in the book.

Steps to access this report and send a personalised email:

1.Login to iLearn Insights and go to the unit dashboard
2. Click on Unit > Students who have not accessed a resource

3. Select a resource
4. Select a subresource (for Book chapters)

5. To send a personalised email, click on ‘Compose messages before sending’. Update the email subject and message as required.

6. Click on ‘Preview messages before sending’ to preview email contents. Make sure the student’s name and resource links are correct.

7. Acknowledge and send email to students who have not accessed a resource. 

Students who have not completed an activity or resource

This report requires activity completion to be enabled in your unit and will identify all students who have not yet completed an activity or resource.

Steps to access this report and send a personalised email:

1.Login to iLearn insights and go to unit dashboard
2. Click on Unit > Student who have not accessed a resource.

3. Select an item from the list of items that have activity completion enabled

4. View the list of students who have not yet completed the resource or the selected activity. You can then send an email to students using the same email process as with other iLearn Insights reports.

We hope you find these new reports useful to help manage student engagement with specific learning activities or resources. If you need any additions or improvements to these reports such as adding other resource types, please lodge a request to the iLearn insights ‘Feedback and Feature Request’ page.

Posted by Jeremy Hind

Jeremy is the Manager Application Services (Learning and Teaching).

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