Tag: curriculum design

Authentic Assessment
Tasks representative of the complexity encountered in the discipline and professional practice.

Programmatic Assessment
A programme of assessment to create a wholistic picture of each student's capabilities throughout their entire learning journey.

L&T Quick Guide series launch
Bite sized chunks of Learning and Teaching theory and practice to get you started...

Constructive alignment in a nutshell: identifying what we want students to learn
Designing activities and assessment to best support the desired learning outcomes.

Drop In And Draft sessions for Course Reaccreditation – now open through April & May
Are you putting together submissions for course reaccreditation? You are invited to ‘drop-in’ to these Zoom sessions for some dedicated drafting and discussion time.

Placing the capstone on our coursework architecture transformation: QAE&I and the Curriculum Lifecycle Framework. Part 2: Our Quality Journey
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Programs & Pathways) Professor Sean Brawley provides an overview of the work completed and currently underway to support quality assurance, enhancement, and improvement at Macquarie.

Placing the capstone on our coursework architecture transformation: QAE&I and the Curriculum Lifecycle Framework.
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Programs & Pathways) Professor Sean Brawley examines the sector and institutional context for Macquarie's curriculum lifecycle framework and our new approach to quality.

All your curriculum questions answered!
Find the answers to all your curriculum questions in the MQ Curriculum Manual Wiki

Academic Senate Top 5, September 2019
For a quick run-down, watch the Chair’s vlog and check out the Top 5 items discussed in September.