Tag: curriculum design

Making The Curriculum Pathway Smoother
The Curriculum Management System Project aims to make curriculum data more visible and easy to manage. We find out more about the new system from Alison Guerreiro from the Curriculum and Planning Team.

Academic Senate Top 5, September 2018
Top 5 Academic Senate Updates for September 2018 - Approval of Future Academic Senate Composition, Grade Appeal Policy Review Update, Curriculum Architecture Update, Establishing 2019 projects and the Chair's report.

5 Tips To Refresh Your Curriculum
As the new Curriculum Architecture is picking up steam and there is an increasing number of curriculum re-design projects across campus, here are some top tips for curriculum refreshment.

Embedding Indigenous Knowledges Across The Curriculum – Meet Michael Donovan
Meet Michael Donovan, the new Academic Director, Indigenous Learning and Teaching in Walanga Muru, who, through the new Curriculum Architecture, will be helping faculties embed Indigenous knowledges across all courses by 2020.

Beacon Lights The Way: And What’s The Difference Between a CMS and SMS?
An interview with Gail White, Executive Director, Student Engagement and Registrar, on her role in Project Beacon, the difference between a CMS and an SMS and what will happen to AMIS.

Curriculum Renewal: One Week Left For EOIs, Support Portal Info and Comp Winner Announced
A reminder there's one week left for Faculties to submit EOIs (the first stage of the submission process for 2020 course offerings); support portal and key resource links provided; and the new name for the Student Management Program is revealed.

Curriculum Architecture Policy Approved – Project Moves To Coursework Suite Renewal
As the Curriculum Architecture Policy has now been approved and the Principles endorsed, the work moves to the Faculties to commence the Coursework Suite Renewal. Here is an overview of key dates, activities and where to find support.

Academic Senate Top 5, July 2018
Updates this month include the Curriculum Architecture Policy and Principles endorsement, discussion on the purpose and composition of the Academic Senate, mid-year traffic light assessment of Senate Projects, academic GPA and English language requirements, and a welcome to incoming student...

Curriculum Architecture Town Hall Wrap Up & Your Questions Answered
An overview of this week's Curriculum Architecture Town Hall, with links to the revised principles, information on the naming competitions and questions posed at the Town Hall are answered here.