Tag: curriculum design

Introducing ARTS1000
Article by Dr Jayde Cahir and Sonia Saddiqui Using the DDI methodology, the Faculty of Arts has been busy creating ARTS1000 Humanities and the World through a collaborative process involving students, academics and industry partners. Here’s a snapshot of what...

Developing Language Use descriptors for the non-linguist
MUIC is taking the development of students’ English language proficiency seriously by including Language Use descriptors in language-rich assessment rubrics. This article explains how we went about the development of these descriptors, to be used by the non-linguist.

“How do you change their mind?” Dame Jane Goodall
When Dame Jane Goodall visited Macquarie University on the occasion of speaking on the Compassionate Leadership and Effective Advocacy day, I was fortunate to see her in action. Her work was groundbreaking, not only for deepening our understanding of primates,...

Design, Develop, Implement (DDI)
What is DDI? As universities seek to refresh their courses in order to deliver a curriculum that is responsive to the evolving nature and needs of the community, the process of curriculum renewal itself has become an increasingly researched topic. One such methodology for curriculum renewal – Design, Develop, Implement...

Academic Senate Top 5, February 2019
Check out the the Academic Senate Chair's quick run-down and vlog of the meeting on 19 Feb: new members; CMS; Freedom of Speech, Inquiry and Assembly; Shared Academic Governance; and Mudang-Dali.

Academic Senate Top 5 in November and December 2018
Top 5 items at the Academic Senate meetings of 27 November and 3 December including Curriculum Architecture, a presentation from the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and farewell to outgoing Senators.

Celebrating and reflecting on our Curriculum journey
Celebrating and reflecting on the completion of the renewal phase of the Curriculum Architecture Project

Academic Senate Top 5 Issues in October & November 2018
Academic Senate's top 5 topics from October and November 2018 - including project planning, Curriculum Architecture updates, and student-led business.

Faculties well on their way to transforming the curriculum
Course design and renewal is a job for our experts! Faculties are focusing on maintaining high quality learning outcomes for students in tight timeframes.