Results for: rubrics

Turn Feedback into Feedforward or a Degustation Menu
Lessons learned from a recent workshop on feedback, based on a large-scale Australian project titled ‘Feedback for Learning: Closing the Assessment Loop’.

iLearn. Sigh. #justaskbev
There is no type of rubric I have not mastered – a standard (weighted) rubric, a custom rubric, or a qualitative rubric! I am, however, completely confounded by the fact that my rubric is never attached to assignments in the Feedback...

iLearn. Sigh. #justaskbev
Dear Bev, I go to great lengths to give my students critical concise feedback on their assessments. I follow the university’s evidence-based procedure (examples). I just don’t see any sign that my students are reading the feedback I give them, let alone addressing...

Surviving and managing marking
Here are some helpful tips on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane

Communicating Assessment Requirements To Students
Macquarie University expects its teaching staff and students to be familiar with its assessment policy. Here are 7 points of the policy you need to know, follow and communicate to your students. Assessment is standards-based. The policy suggests you should provide...