Results for: over a cuppa

Reflection for learning
Reflective practice supports outcomes for academic learning, lifelong learning and skills development for teachers and students.

Learning theories
How does collaborative meaning making align with your values as a teacher?

TECHE’s 2021 Best Hits – like an 80’s compilation album – only better!
A summary of highlights from the TECHE blog this year.

Do you have a travel plan for your academic journey?
Here's a travel guide to top teaching development destinations for you to explore.

Claiming and evidencing educational leadership
What are the challenges of recognising and evidencing your leadership if you don’t (yet) have a formal leadership role?

Straight from the student’s mouth: LET survey provides feedback on your teaching
How, when and why to order a Learner Evaluation of Teaching survey for your unit.

Teacher as Student: the joy of learning
Linda Kelly (Lecturer in Planning, School of Social Sciences) briefly reflects on seeking out teaching development opportunities for sustaining - and sharing - the sheer joy of learning.

Meet the team: Learning Analytics
Meet the Team is a series of articles to introduce the teams of the learning and teaching portfolio following the recent organisational restructure. This week we meet the Learning Analytics team.