Reflection and Feedback on Practice: Novice

Here are some ideas to guide your progress through the Reflection and Feedback on Practice domain of the Professional Learning and Capability Enhancement (PLaCE) Framework:

  • Understand the value of reflective practice for your teaching
  • Consider the many ways of obtaining, interpreting and responding to feedback from students
  • Observe, reflect and provide feedback on the teaching of others.

Consolidate your knowledge of Reflection and Feedback on Practice:

Read: Over a cuppa – prompts to reflect on learning and teaching (TECHE series of 5 min reads)
Explore:The Reflection for learning collection of resources includes ideas and activities with templates to encourage students to reflect on their learning to provide you with feedback.
Respond:Guidance to support you in actioning the results of Learner Experience of Unit (LEU) surveys. How to interpret the results and focus on any areas for improvement indicated by the student feedback.
Observe:Register to observe a class taught by an MQ colleague to get ideas to inform your own teaching and to provide constructive feedback as part of the Open for Observation program. Contact

Take it to the next level: Record and review your own teaching

Record:A powerful trigger for reflection could be to record one of your own classes and then watch yourself teach.

If you would like support to create a personalised professional development plan to enhance your teaching capability, please contact 

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