Results for: ilearn insights

ilearn insights on laptop

Track Student Completion of the Academic Integrity Module and Compare Past Units Using iLearn Insights

iLearn Insights is continuing to add new tools and reports to aid teaching staff in visualising unit information and communicating with students. Over the coming weeks we will be highlighting the new features that are available to all teaching staff. This post will highlight two new features: ...

/ 25 January, 2019
ilearn insights on laptop

iLearn Insights Update – View Unit Access Trends Across Session, Category Level Access + Upcoming Workshop

New features in iLearn Insights include Category level access, to easily view reports for all units inside a Category, and the ability to filter the Unit Access Graph to visualise student access over 1, 2, 3 or 4 month increments.

/ 9 August, 2018
ilearn insights on laptop

New Features Added To iLearn Insights

From early feedback on the iLearn Insights tool, we've added three new features, available on 3 August 2018. The new features are various filtering options for assignment submissions, more access controls, and downloadable spreadsheets.

/ 2 August, 2018

Navigate iLearn like a pro

Get to know iLearn inside out with workshops, training and tips.

/ 9 July, 2024

Unlock insights into student engagement and progress

Are you using all the features of iLearn Insights to full effect?

/ 17 June, 2024

Share insights, spark discussions, inspire others – write for TECHE

Have you been experimenting with new approaches to your teaching and learning? Got a success story or lessons learned to share with colleagues? If so, we want to hear from you!

/ 26 May, 2023

Follow these 5 steps to ensure your iLearn unit meets MQ’s online learning standards

Your iLearn unit should be laid out according to the iLearn Template to provide a consistent online learning experience for students.

/ 15 June, 2022

What works, what doesn’t – for iLearn quizzes

Advice from the university's learning designers, analysts, developers, and technologists about how to design and manage quizzes in iLearn.

/ 5 October, 2021
Students studying on campus

Building Your iLearn Unit For Session 3 

Building an iLearn unit to support your compressed curriculum for Session 3 (S3) is challenging. Your S3 iLearn unit must suit the shorter five-week study period whilst still maintaining identical learning outcomes, equivalent assessment and student workload as S1 and...

/ 3 October, 2018