Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the PVC L&T
End of year message from Professor Dominique Parrish, PVC L&T

A Giant Thank You!
... for excellent teaching and exceptional student support in FoHS

Reflections on 10 years of the Faculty of Human Sciences
An outstanding list of achievements....

Preparing your Unit Guide for 2020
Here's what you need to know to get your Unit guide ready for S1

Human Sciences Staff Shine Brightly in the Staff Awards
Congratulations to our FoHS award winners!

Library Support for Faculty of Human Sciences
Library committed to providing our Departments with continued support

Studio shots for MQ staff – December 2019
Book in your photo session for December 2019 - places are limited!

Academic Senate Top 5, November 2019
On Tuesday 26 November, Academic Senate had its final meeting for 2019. Here are the Top 5 items discussed at the meeting.

Professor Ian Blair on the teaching and research nexus
Like any great researcher, Ian takes a scientific approach to his teaching: Assessing what he knows about learning and teaching, examining where the knowledge and skill gaps are, collecting data and evaluating his performance. Ian regularly avails himself of learning...